Technology Networking & Internet

How To Change the Font

This method has been deprecated in favor of using CSS.Use CSS to change the fonts.

Learn how to use HTML to change the font face (the style or actual "font") of your text.

Difficulty: Easy

Time Required: 2 minutes

Here's How:
  1. Write your text: this is in Arial
  2. Surround the text with the font tag <font>this is in Arial</font>
  3. Add the attribute face="arial" to the font tag <font face="arial">this is in Arial</font>

    1. You can use any font face you would like, but it's good to stick with common fonts
    2. You can also use Cascading Style Sheets to change the font face. This is recommended as the font tag has been deprecated.

    What You Need:
    • HTMl Editor -or-
    • Text Editor

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