Dog Bite Quotes For Owners of Aggressive Animals
Dogs that are "dominant aggressive" by nature are often overly protective of their possessions as well as their status. This behavior lends itself to people, even family members, receiving dog bites. While a person is not likely to be sued by a family member, some form of pet insurance should be obtained in any event. And getting dog bite quotes for insurance is a fairly simple process. Look for signs that indicate whether the dog has been acting out aggressively in many ways:
They attack dogs and other animals without provocation
They often attempt to sexually mount people's legs
When petted, groomed or detained in any way they will growl and snap
They often chase cars and bicycles
They will ignore commands and they will often wander and try to escape
The first warning that a dog is prone to dominant aggressive behavior is when, as a small puppy, it growls when approached while it at its food dish or when it has a toy. This is an early sign of dominance. As it grows it will attempt to take charge of the house and the decision making process. Dogs that have dominant type aggression display confidence in new situations. They also have very distinctive body language:
They stand with their heads erect and their ears bent forward
They wag their tails proudly and stare intently at strange people and pets
They often stand still, facing any new individual, and emit a low steady growl
When feeling challenged they curl their lips and expose their teeth
When dogs show dominant gestures like growling while guarding their food dish, they should be scolded for this behavior. Otherwise they feel they have inched up in dominance, surpassing certain family members like smaller children.
The Solution
Obedience school is very helpful with this form of aggression. Men are often more assertive than women which is why many dogs obey men, but not women. Gaining control of the dog means dominating every aspect of the dog's life:
1.Do not let it end up with the ball or rope at the end of a game such as tug-of-war
2.Do not let dominant-prone dogs sleep in the bed or in the bedroom
3.When feeding the dog do not let it eat until given a command
4.Purchase a muzzle to be put on after feedings
5.Do not feed these dogs from the table
Neutering a young male dog significantly decreases aggression. Neutering them later in life is much less effective. If the dog has already begun to bite owners, hiring a professional dog trainer is a good idea.
The first warning that a dog is prone to dominant aggressive behavior is when, as a small puppy, it growls when approached while it at its food dish or when it has a toy. This is an early sign of dominance. As it grows it will attempt to take charge of the house and the decision making process. Dogs that have dominant type aggression display confidence in new situations. They also have very distinctive body language:
When dogs show dominant gestures like growling while guarding their food dish, they should be scolded for this behavior. Otherwise they feel they have inched up in dominance, surpassing certain family members like smaller children.
The Solution
Obedience school is very helpful with this form of aggression. Men are often more assertive than women which is why many dogs obey men, but not women. Gaining control of the dog means dominating every aspect of the dog's life:
1.Do not let it end up with the ball or rope at the end of a game such as tug-of-war
2.Do not let dominant-prone dogs sleep in the bed or in the bedroom
3.When feeding the dog do not let it eat until given a command
4.Purchase a muzzle to be put on after feedings
5.Do not feed these dogs from the table
Neutering a young male dog significantly decreases aggression. Neutering them later in life is much less effective. If the dog has already begun to bite owners, hiring a professional dog trainer is a good idea.