Health & Medical Food & Drink

How to Whiten Teeth With Orange Peels

    • 1). Roll an orange around on a flat surface. This will loosen the skin from the flesh.

    • 2). Peel the orange so you end up with strips of orange peel. Place the tip of your knife at the center top of your orange. Drag it through the skin, halfway around the orange, all the way down to the bottom center. Avoid cutting through the flesh of the orange. Repeat this until you've made cuts all around your orange. Leave approximately 1 inch of space in between each cut.

    • 3). Grasp a strip of orange peel at the center top and strip it off your orange. Repeat this until you end up with 1-inch strips of orange peel and a perfectly peeled orange.

    • 4). Hold an orange peel with the white, inside part facing you. Cover your teeth with the peel. Rub the white of the peels back and forth over your teeth. The acid in the orange peels brightens your teeth.

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      Brush your teeth after this process.Jupiterimages/Goodshoot/Getty Images

      Rinse off any orange-peel residue left on your teeth. Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste. Always brush your teeth after whitening them with orange peels because the peels are naturally acidic, which can damage your teeth.

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