Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Discipline and Goals

What new disciplines could you start acting on tomorrow that you know would improve your business and/or life...
But you haven't done yet? It's important to realize that what we do today has a direct relationship with the results we get tomorrow.
What is discipline to you? The definition of discipline is an activity, exercise or regiment that develops or improves a skill; training.
My tweak on the definition is doing the things daily that you know you should...
Even when you don't feel like it and even when you don't see immediate results.
This doesn't always come easy.
It requires a huge amount of patience.
Sometimes the steady and consistent disciplines feel like they're not working as fast as you'd like.
If you step back, you'll notice that there's an important common denominator with successful people - they all form habits or disciplines.
They continually do the necessary tasks that others don't want to do or give up on.
I'm constantly working on adding new and better disciplines.
Honing your skills and growing into a successful business person is a work in progress...
It's an ongoing process.
Another thing to think about is how you'll get rid of your bad habits.
You can't expect to change over night as you didn't develop the habits (good or bad) over night.
In network marketing, here are some disciplines you can specifically do to boost your business Introduce the business to 3 people a day - if you're already at 3 a day, then raise your bar! Role play/use scripts, practice with script partners Send your recap daily to your upline Work on your why every day Start reading and working on your mind - try reading 10 minutes per night- if you are already- raise the bar.
Start with small tweaks.
Don't overwhelm yourself and create goals you're not going to follow through on.
Don't beat yourself up saying I'm going to call 20 people tomorrow.
Start something that is consistent and achievable but slightly beyond your comfort zone.
What can you tackle today? How about if you add one new discipline per month for the next 12 months? What would happen to your business? Your life? Those that are succeeding in network marketing have simply decided to do some things that others are not.
Very few people realize that success is within their reach - your success is certainly determined by your daily agenda! Life goals are reached by: annual goals...
Which are reached by daily goals...
Which are reached by your daily disciplines! Think about it numerically.
If you speak to three people per day, for about 200 work days, that's 600 people! Do you think someone in there wants to improve their life? There are a few key things in learning new disciplines: 1.
You cannot manage or improve what you cannot measure -so track it (calls, reading - chart it!) what we track grows! 2.
You'll never change your business or your life until you change something you do today.
What one can you start? What discipline will you commit to starting tomorrow?

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