Pets & Animal Reptiles

How to Care for Pet Turtles

    • 1). Decide what species of pet turtle you wish to bring into your life. Do your homework on this. There are turtles that live in the water and those turtles which are strictly land turtles (or tortoises). Some species of pet turtle take more expertise than others. If this is your first pet turtle, be sure and choose one which is appropriate for the beginning pet turtle owner.

    • 2). Set up your pet turtle's aquarium or terrarium according to the turtle species. This should be done well in advance of bringing your new pet turtle home. Purchase the largest turtle tank possible. This can be a lovely addition to your home decor. It's a lot of fun to decorate a nice aquarium or terrarium. Keep your turtle's comfort and safety in mind with everything you do with their home.

    • 3). Check the temperature of your pet turtle's new home. Some species have specific temperature that they should be kept in. In the case of an aquatic species of pet turtle, you may also need to check the PH balance of your aquarium before adding your pet turtle. This should be monitored regularly throughout the life of your pet turtle. And expect that to be a long, long time. Many pet turtles outlive their owners. You may also wish to pick a Godmother or Godfather for your pet turtle should they outlive you if you wish to be truly responsible with your new friend.

    • 4). Feed your pet turtle the very best diet possible. Only feed fresh foods or commercial foods made specifically for your species of pet turtle. Even if it's more expensive, they do not eat much and their diet will have a direct impact on their health. Turtles are an exotic species of pet and your veterinarian may charge more to treat them should something go wrong. Proper environment and diet are key. Most well cared for pet turtles may never require the service of a veterinarian.

    • 5). Monitor your pet turtle. A pet diary is not a bad idea. Write down what they eat, how much they eat and when they eat. Also note their normal vs abnormal behaviors. Should you need to seek out a veterinarian's help with your pet turtle, your vet will thank you for this information and will help your pet turtle get speedier care.

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