An Addicts Guide to Survival and Hope
In the past year I have gone from living in my totaled car in the woods to being in a Adult Rehabilatation Center in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. How did I find myself in this situation I kept asking myself. At one point in my life I had everything, now there I was living like an animal. On May 16th 2012 my life was about to take a major turn. As I sat in my car alone, hot, bug bitten, I decided I was going to take my life.At that moment I volunteerly Baker Acted myself. I spent 6 days at a Crisis Treatment Center in Ocala, Florida. While I was at the CTC I received a phone call from my mother. She asked me the most prolific and important question I would be ask up to this point in my life: "Brian do you want help?" Because up until that point I had been hiding a secret. I was a full fledged Opiate Addict. I wanted to tell her no but the word "yes" was the only on that came out. My mother and younger brother picked me up and we headed to my mothers house in Daytona Beach, Florida. I spent almost a month detoxing at my mothers until we found a long-term rehab in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.I have been here since June 11th 2012. I am dedicating this site to blog my experiances for those lost and thinking about rehab. If I can do it so can you. Also im asking for any love offering would be amazing, but that is not the main goal. The main goal is to break the stigmas and myths about rehabs. If you have questions or just need to talk you can find my contact info under the contact tab. I will personally answer all emails and letters sent to me. Thank You and God Bless,Brian S. Bergeron
Growing up was tough for me on the outside looking in it was a great looking family. A mother that was beautiful a father whom owned his own HVAC company an a little brother that had/has me wrapped. There of course was darkness inside of the circle. First and the most painful was the neighbor down the road. From the ages of 3-7 I was sexually molested and raped. Something I kept in until I was 22 years old. Second was my father who had a strong appetite for woman. This caused several seperations between my mother and him until I was 15 right before my 16th birthday when they filed for divorce. The divorce didnt bother me as much as fact that my father abandoned me and my brother. From that point and up to this point my father has been in and out of our lives numorous times, with this time being the longest strech almost 5 years. Also at the age of 11 i was diagnosed with a blood disorder called I.T.P. which is alot like Luekemia but alot more treatable I spent s good part of a year in and out of Shands hospital in Gainsville, Florida.
These are just some of the things that have left to my addiction but I have learned addiction is a symptom of deeper emotional issues. Understanding that and seeking counseling as well as psychological medicine, has up to this point lead me to a life of sobriety.
Growing up was tough for me on the outside looking in it was a great looking family. A mother that was beautiful a father whom owned his own HVAC company an a little brother that had/has me wrapped. There of course was darkness inside of the circle. First and the most painful was the neighbor down the road. From the ages of 3-7 I was sexually molested and raped. Something I kept in until I was 22 years old. Second was my father who had a strong appetite for woman. This caused several seperations between my mother and him until I was 15 right before my 16th birthday when they filed for divorce. The divorce didnt bother me as much as fact that my father abandoned me and my brother. From that point and up to this point my father has been in and out of our lives numorous times, with this time being the longest strech almost 5 years. Also at the age of 11 i was diagnosed with a blood disorder called I.T.P. which is alot like Luekemia but alot more treatable I spent s good part of a year in and out of Shands hospital in Gainsville, Florida.
These are just some of the things that have left to my addiction but I have learned addiction is a symptom of deeper emotional issues. Understanding that and seeking counseling as well as psychological medicine, has up to this point lead me to a life of sobriety.