How to Set a Line for Drift Fishing in a Kayak
- 1). Attach the chute line to the kayak with the brass ring, then tie a loop at the chute line center. You can attach the chute to any part of the kayak you prefer. Most anglers prefer to have line tied perpendicular to the kayak, keeping the wind in their face.
- 2). Run the bow line through the loop you just created on the chute line, and back toward the kayak, then tie it off on a hull eyelet. This will allow you to retrieve the chute easier. Place the chute in the water and let the chute drift out into the water and sink. You will feel your kayak slow down significantly and allow you to comfortably set the line.
- 3). Attach a drag weight to your leader--of any weight you prefer. Ensure that it hangs 18 inches below the hook or lure. Attach a round bobber another 10 inches above the hook or lure. The weight will allow the hook or lure to drag near the bottom every 3 or 4 feet as it drifts along.
- 4). Attach your bait to the hook if using live bait, and cast out hard into the wind at a 45-degree angle. This will set your bait up to slowly drift along with the kayak.