Health & Medical Self-Improvement

It"s February, Do you know where your New Year"s Resolutions are?

I love the New Year, the energy and possibilities that come alive at the turning of the year. However, I've never loved New Year's resolutions and I've never kept most of the ones I've made. Today, I know that I am in good company with the majority of people who make resolutions. I stopped making them a few years ago and actually felt relieved. A couple of years ago I starting setting goals instead and was only slightly more successful at reaching them than I was at keeping resolutions. By February, I usually didn't know where they were. Whenever I would run across and read them, I would immediately get tense. Sometimes I'd find them a year or more later and still get tense.

The major obstacle was that the resolutions were things I thought I "should" be, do or have. "Shoulds" are most often quite different than the dreams and desires of my heart and soul. The resolutions were driven, not inspired or truly meaningful.

Being, doing and having are wonderful elements of the human experience, however, it is when each of these is authentic that we are inspired to be, do and have whatever it may be and are fulfilled on the path to it's accomplishment.

It has become clear to me that we all are in the world to use our natural gifts and talents in expanding and adding value to life, to experience and spread more love, joy and aliveness. This is our natural & spiritual purpose. How we do this is unique to each of us, as our individual purpose may be.

It is through our dreams and deep desires that we are called toward living out the unique expression of our natural & spiritual purpose. It is by saying "yes" to them and being committed, through our actions, that we are inspired and given the ways and means to their fulfillment.

I invite you to join other readers in the following alternative to New Year's resolutions, beginning today.

7 Simple Steps for Keeping Your Resolutions Alive

1. What is a dream or deep desire that's been trying to get your attention OR that you've been trying to avoid? Name it, write it down and say "yes," even if you don't know how it will be accomplished.

2. What would be different if you were living out this dream or desire? See yourself living it. How do you feel? What are you doing? Who is around you? Where are you? Write these things down, and anything else that would be different.

3. What will happen if you never say "yes" to this dream? Imagine your life never having said yes to your heartfelt dreams. How do you feel? What is the expression on your face? What are your relationships like? Write down these things with the emotion behind them.

4. Each month for the remainder of the year, beginning this month, spend time envisioning yourself living your dream - see and feel yourself doing it. Then choose 3 goals for the month that inspire you and will lead you to your dream. Write down these goals as simply and specifically as possible.

5. Each week, look at your 3 monthly goals, spend time envisioning your dream and then ask yourself what 3 actions you can take this week that will lead you to the accomplishment of these monthly goals. Write them down and do these actions.

6. Each day, spend time thinking about everything in your life for which you are grateful, including small ways you see or feel your dream manifesting. Make this a practice and do it at the same time every day.

7. Whenever you get the chance, tell someone about your dream. Also, ask them what is a dream they have and get into dream conversations.

Why not begin in February? It is after all the month of love. There's nothing like following a dream or a heartfelt desire to open your heart up wide, letting love out and letting love in.

Why not start right now? That's where your power is, "Now." Before you read further write down one action that you will take to move you closer to your dream as soon as you finish reading this article.

And remember this, Every dream calls for a team. It's important to have relationships and regular contact with people who inspire you, who absolutely believe in and support you and your dreams, people who will cheer your successes and be there to remind you to get back on track when you feel doubtful or discouraged. Begin creating the team you want and deserve, today. You can start by imagining the other readers across the country who are also following these 7 Steps as a part of your own special Dream Team.

Your dreams matter - they are key to living a vital, successful and fulfilling life. Being living your dreams, right now!

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