Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Law of Attraction: Validate Yourself To Receive Abundance

What do you connect self-validation with the law of attraction? Majority of people have an inherent and insatiable need for approval or validation.
You may not realize it but this need or desire is a strong motivation force that moves and shapes you into the person that you are.
There is nothing wrong with this as long as you know whose approval you are seeking.
Just think about it.
If you do not validate yourself positively, how then can you expect another person or the world to give you the approval you seek? Even if it had been given to you, you'd probably reject the truth of it anyway! To validate yourself is about accepting yourself - who you were, who you are now and who you are going to be.
Validating yourself activates the law of attraction into action to attract more abundance into your life.
External validation is always reassuring because it reinforces your view about yourself.
However, self-validation is far more reassuring as it builds on your self-worth based on your solid foundation of self-approval.
You are less likely to reject yourself because you are comfortable with who you are inside and outside.
Validating yourself will feed your need to feel secure and confident allowing your life to flow in the positive direction.
"Never be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself.
" - Harvey Fierstein Who you are and who you choose to become is your birthright.
You should not allow yourself to be set upon by others to be someone you are not.
When you are living a life constantly seeking approval from others, fear, anger, insecurity, anxiety and resentment emit from within you.
Remember, the law of attraction does not filter these negative thoughts and emotions and charges into action to work with the Universe to attract more of the same to you.
When you accept yourself is to love yourself and this allows you to engage freely in positive thoughts and emotions from inside out.
When you accept yourself, you will accept the people around you and the environment surrounding you.
It is so much easier to be forgiving, non-judgemental and appreciative of what you have at the moment.
You are living in a positive flow and again, the law of attraction will orchestrate with the Universe.
Your life will not get better on its own.
Neither will it get better with a flick of your finger.
To achieve your desires or to receive your abundance takes time and effort but most importantly, your life will only start to get better once you have started to treat yourself better.
Your self-approval starts by forgiving yourself for past mistakes and you will need to be truthful with yourself on this.
Do not compromise on your personal values and start appreciating yourself for all that you have accomplished so far.
The law of attraction is never bias.
It just follows your flows.

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