Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Diet and Exercise in Pregnancy

Healthy weight is important to bear a baby in the womb.
Risk of premature birth is also reduced by the healthy diet during pregnancy.
It is necessary to keep healthy diet after pregnancy because she has to breastfeed her baby.
Many pregnancy related complications like anemia, morning sickness, constipation, fatigue etc.
are also treated by the balanced diet plan during pregnancy.
Brown rice and pasta are very rich in carbohydrates, so, those should be included in diet of a pregnant woman.
Those provide fiber and vitamin B.
green and yellow vegetables too prove beneficial as they are helpful in the growth of bones, eyes, cells and skin of the baby.
Green vegetables are rich in iron too, which is the important element in the development of a baby.
Dehydration can cause a serious problem during pregnancy, so, drink plenty of water during those 9 months.
A normal human being should drink at least 5-6 liters water per day.
A pregnant woman should drink 7-8 liters of water per day.
Water helps to throw away waste products and toxins out of the body.
Urine infection and swelling are two common problems faced by pregnant women, which could be avoided by drinking plenty water.
Vitamin c helps metabolic process of the body.
It is also important for Tissue repair and bone growth.
So, a pregnant woman must have fruits, broccoli, raw cabbage etc in her diet.
A diet of a pregnant woman should consist: Meat / protein food, fruits, grain products, milk, sprouts, milk products, fruits and fruit juices and plenty water should be there in a diet of a pregnant woman.
This is not only beneficial for the baby's health but also for the health of a mother.
It is very important to remain fit during pregnancy to avoid backache, swelling and fatigue.
Daily exercise can strengthen the muscles and stamina.
Swimming and walking are two best exercises during pregnancy.
As there is less risk than other type of exercises.
You may go for other low impact exercises too like yoga and aerobics.
Avoid heavy work outs during pregnancy.
And it is necessary to exert under the observation of doctor or instructor.
Instructor can give you the perfect work out according to the need of your body.
Dizziness, vaginal bleeding, fainting are some problems faced in pregnancy where you need a proper guidance of an expert.
Wear loose clothes during excreting in pregnancy.
Use supportive shoes to avoid risks.
Go for frequent check ups to your doctor.
Healthy lifestyle and positive attitude also helps you to have a beautiful baby.
So, be happy and positive for the greatest bliss of Mother Nature.
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