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Ebook Writing - Set Your Writing Goals Now And You Will Write Your Ebook Soon

Setting goals for the new year can help you to make sure your ebook gets written by next year.
Set some time aside to write down your goals and then get busy implementing them as soon as possible.
  • Decide what time of day is best for you to write.
    Promise yourself that you will write for at least one hour every day at the time that is best for you.
  • Start or join a mastermind group.
    This is a group of several people that you can discuss your writing and writing goals with on a regular basis.
    The mastermind group can meet in person or on a teleseminar, but should meet once a week to get the best results.
  • Know where you want to go with your writing.
    Do you want to write and sell an ebook online or a traditional book through a publisher? These two ways are very different and will require that you go through a different process in order to get there.
    The only thing that is the same is that you will need to make the time to complete the writing.
  • Make a public speaking presentation so you can talk about your book.
    Find a group in your city that would be interested in hearing you speak about your topic.
    Civic organizations such as Kiwanis and the Rotary Club are always looking for people to speak at their meetings.
Whatever you decide on, make a plan and stick to it.
Soon you will make connections with the right people to achieve the writing success you deserve.

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