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Start Your Seedlings in a Miniature Greenhouse for Ostara

At Ostara, it's still too cold to plant your seeds outside, but you can certainly get your seedlings started indoors. It may seem early, but now is the time to start thinking about what you want to grow in the summer months. Give your plants a head start, and get them sprouting in advance -- that way, they'll be ready to go into the ground by the time warmer weather arrives. You can make an indoor greenhouse, put it in a sunny spot, and watch your garden begin!

You'll need:
  • A disposable baking pan with clear plastic lid
  • Small peat pots
  • Potting soil
  • Seeds

Start by preparing the baking pan. You can get these in the baking aisle at the grocery store, and they're usually available in black or foil. The foil ones tend to reflect light a bit better, so use these if at all possible. If you have to use a black one, line it with a sheet of aluminum foil first.

Prepare the pan by poking holes for drainage in the bottom. They shouldn't be too big -- you don't want the water to pour out -- but don't make them too small. Start with just a few, and if you have to go back and add more later, you can do so easily.

Fill the peat pots with potting soil, and line them up to fit snugly inside the baking pan. Push a seed down into each pot, covering it back up with dirt. When each pot has a seed in it, mist the whole thing with water.

Place the clear lid on top of the baking pan. Place it in a sunny window. As the inside of the pan warms up in the sun, condensation will form on the inside of the lid.

Allow the plants to grow without removing the lid -- if you do have to remove it to add a bit of water, try not to leave it off for long.

Watch your seedlings begin to sprout. Depending on what you plant, it may be anywhere from just a day or two to a week or more. By the time Beltane rolls around, they'll be hardy and ready to go in the ground. Simply place the peat pot and the seedling right into the soil.

For additional ideas on what to plant, and how, be sure to check out some of our great gardening resources!


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