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Home Remedies for Stye Treatment

Today, we will talk about how to treat a stye.
A stye is not uncommon, but many do not know how to correctly and quickly deal with this disease and how to prevent its reappearance.
Stye is a manifestation of infection, which could not overcome your body.
Sometimes it is linked with the appearance of infection when brushing your eyes with dirty fingers.
Because the illness is long acknowledged, the ways to treat sty are also many, including methods of conventional medicine.
Stye - is a very disagreeable illness which is expressed in inflamed hair follicle eyelashes.
Inflammation might be mild, but can be a big focus of inflammation, with both eyes at once.
The unpleasant aspect is the fact of purulent infiltration at the eyelid.
Here is the infiltration in any case do not attempt to squeeze or get rid of it mechanically, such interference may lead to really serious complications.
In order to prevent the disorder need to closely monitor the hygiene and not to climb in the eyes with dirty hands.
It is very important in the treatment of stye - is to start off it at a really early stage, and then you can prevent critical inflammation.
Of course, it is best to consult a doctor who tells you how to deal with a stye.
But if you can not go to the doctor, you can try traditional therapies.
You can use lotions, creams, ointments, and treatments of decoction of calendula flowers.
To do this, pour a tablespoon of calendula flowers in a cup boiling water, place in a water bath and boil for 10 minutes, then give the brew, filter, after which the infusion is ready for use.
This ought to be done 3-5 times a day.
Another excellent formula is to put together the indicates of contemporary leaves of lilac.
To do this, pulp of leaves and apply to stye, a number of times a day.
If the stye even now appears, try to make a warm compress.
You can use a lotion with tea or dry heat.
For example, a boiled egg, wrapped in a sterile towel.
Effective are therapies of aloe.
To do this, squeeze the juice from the aloe leaf, add 10 parts water (depending on how much juice came) and put it on 3 times a day.
Still it is feasible to make compresses of calendula.
A tablespoon of calendula flowers and fill the cup of boiling water.
Boil; allow standing for half an hour and generating a lotion on the lower eyelid.
In case of a failure of folk remedies and elevated inflammation should nonetheless not put off a visit to a medical doctor.
He might prescribe antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drops for your eyes.

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