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How to Mount a 4-Speed Manual Transmission

    • 1). Locate two bell housing bolts that fit your bell housing bolt holes, from either a parts supply store or a dismantling yard. Take your old bolts in for comparison. Make certain the new bolts have the exact thread pitch but measure at least an additional 1/2 inch in length. Test-fit them on your vehicle beforehand. Use a hack saw to cut off the bolt heads of the two bell housing bolts. File the ends into a blunt point. These will be your alignment pilot bolts.

    • 2). Shift the vehicle in park or neutral and engage the emergency brake. Use a floor jack to lift the vehicle high enough for adequate working clearance underneath. Place two jack stands under the front of the frame near the wheels. Place two jack stands under the rear frame next to each wheel.

    • 3). Ask an assistant to help you load the transmission onto a floor jack and balance it in the lifting spoon. Use duct tape to secure and support it on the floor jack by wrapping tape around the transmission housing and the floor jack lifting arm. Roll the jack and transmission under the vehicle, centering the front end of the transmission input shaft with the inside of the bell housing.

    • 4). Screw the pilot bolts into the rear of the block with a pair of pliers. Locate the bolts at opposite ends of each other, preferably near the top of the engine block. Run the bolts into the holes at least six or more threads in depth.

    • 5). Raise the transmission up gradually by pumping the floor jack or raising it with the transmission jack. Have your assistant help you guide it upwards and push it towards the bell housing. Raise the transmission until the input shaft aligns with the center hole in the bell housing. Gently roll the transmission forward until the input shaft engages the clutch splines. At the same time, push and twist the transmission until the input shaft slides into the clutch splines then push the transmission housing over the two pilot bolts. Turn, lift and twist gently to make the alignment. Once aligned, shove the transmission housing flush with the engine block.

    • 6). Remove the pilot bolts with the pliers and replace them with the original bolts. Remove the tape from the floor jack and lower the jack. Screw all of the mounting bolts in by hand and tighten them with the proper socket. Torque the bolts to manufacturer's specifications.

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