Insurance Health Insurance

Governmental Efforts to Aid the Unemployed Through Health Insurance

During these times of economic uncertainty, many people have lost their jobs and ended up unemployed.
Finding new jobs have proven to be difficult as well, as many of those unemployed people out there have discovered.
Thus it was extremely important that governments helped and provided assistance to those unemployed individuals out there, temporarily at least, to lessen their financial burdens and help them survive the financial crisis.
Through amendments in healthcare insurance policies, this has been possible in the United States through the stimulus bill.
The United States government has attempted to combat the loss of individual health insurance for the unemployed people in the country be amending the Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1986 (COBRA) as well as the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
With the mission of providing crucial health insurance to everyone that requires it in the country, the government has come up with a new bill to help the unemployed people continue with the employer's group insurance for a further eighteen months (maximum) after getting the boot.
This would allow those who lose their jobs to rest easy for a short term until they manage to find new jobs or employment.
Those who lost their jobs from 1st September 2008 and 31st December 2009 are eligible for this aid from the government.
Other clauses include the fact that the individual's annual household income must not be more than USD 125,000 for an individual, and if it involves a family, it cannot exceed USD 250,000 a year.
Another move by the government was to reauthorize the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) that allows pregnant women and children under 18 to receive healthcare insurance as well as medical assistance from specific health insurance companies.
The new law in this aspect allow the family of the applicant to earn up to 300% above the poverty level and still be eligible for this program.
Both these programs are available in the United States for those who are unemployed and do not have healthcare insurance coverage.
It is recommended that you look for more information at the relevant departments before applying for these programs.

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