Technology Networking & Internet

Some of the Terms You Need to Know While Choosing a Web Host

Storage or Disk Space:

Generally a website is collection of files and graphics, images, text etc. So if any user wants to access your website he or she needs to access it by retrieving it from the internet. As they are retrieving the information of your website from the internet of course your website will need some space in the internet. Every website needs a web server to take care of this. Every web server has some specific amount of allotted space that is the hard disk memory under it. If websites are using shared hosting service then the space has to be shared between many customers and to offer them web hosting.

Actually according to your package you are paying to the web host they will allot space for you. More space you will get for your website, you can store more information, web pages, pictures and many other files you want on the hard drive of the web server. If your website is gaining more popularity and get bigger with time you have to ask for more disk space from the web hosting company.

Bandwidth or Data Transfer:

Data is transferring between the website to your computer whenever you are accessing a website. Whenever you are just opening the website to see a page then the page will get downloaded to your computer from the website. As an example if you are accessing a site with 5kb of HTML codes and the sites has three pictures of 100kb, 200kb and 300 kb. Then total data transfer between the site and your computer is 605kb as it is the total space the website that page was occupied while you opened the file.

Bandwidth also can be distributed to the customers like the disk space. From the internet service provider web hosts has to buy bandwidth. It too is distributed up to the customers in specific amounts according to they pay for this to the web hosts. Amounts of bandwidth needed by a site are generally measured in gigabytes.

The reason behind this huge usage of bandwidth is while one copy of file needs to be stored on the web server; millions of copies may be downloaded by the internet users for viewing. If you can not get right amount of bandwidth fir your website, it will be turned off. And you can not access your website until the next billing period.

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