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The Advantage of Hiring Professional Flooring Contractors

Beautiful wood floors add a special 'something' to a house. You may have a simple house, but putting a wood floor inside it, can make it look real expensive. This is what a properly maintained wood floor does to a home, it adds value to it. However, to have this effect, proper maintenance should be practiced. Liquid spills, dirt, chemical cleaners, grit, dents, and weight of furniture - these are all factors that can contribute in the deterioration of wood floors. The big advantage of wood floors over other types of floors, though, is that it can be renewed or refinished in case it gets damaged.

The process of restoring hardwood floors is not that complicated, but of course, just like any other restoration jobs, it will need an extra effort and skills. So generally, anyone can do it, but if you want professional results, hiring professional flooring contractors is the way to go.

Once your wood flooring gets faded and damaged, it becomes suddenly unattractive and hard to clean. You know it's time to have your floor refinished when wiping it with cloth and water can no longer bring back its original luster, and the coating or polish is already breaking. You can do a test to see if your wood floor needs a refinishing job by dropping water in an area that's been damaged. Once the water forms small bead like circles, the polish's protective coating of the floor is still intact. However, if the water seeps into the floor and change into a dark color, this can only mean that your floor needs refinishing, because the protective coating of the polish is already gone.

How much you will spend on the refinishing job largely depends on how big the damage your floor has. Naturally, floors with little damage will cost less. The work to be done would only involve some screening and coating to the floors. On the other hand, refinishing severely damaged floors will cost a lot more. The process that professionals will do includes sanding, which is then followed by two to three coats of finish. When in the Las Vegas area, no one does it better than the experienced crew at LV Flooring Pros. Contact them if you're in the area:

Las Vegas Flooring Pros
4540 S Lamar Ct
Las Vegas, NV 89169
(702) 410-7810

The thought of refinishing of badly damaged floors being expensive may sway you towards doing the task yourself. Before you do so, do think that in case you do an incorrect job, you will end up spending more or spending just as much as hiring professionals. Hiring professional flooring contractors is the most sensible and convenient thing to do, to bring back the beauty that your hardwood floors lost.

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