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How to Make a Solar Generator on the Cheap

If you want to make your own solar powergenerator, you have a couple different options - it all depends on your needs and what you're looking for specifically.
You could, for example, make a portable solar power generator - this could be very helpful if you love camping trips and need the power source in remote locations.
Another option is to create a solar powered generator that connects to your existing power system and lets you use solar power and your "grid power" together.
You could also go completely "off the grid" and create a system that doesn't rely on your existing power system at all - this is a more advanced option, that carries some risks, but it is possible.
In this article I'm going to focus on the most basic solar power generator option - also known as the "on grid" solar generator.
It's fairly easy to create even if you're a beginner or you haven't made your own energy systems before.
The other nice part: if you produce more energy than you actually use in a given month, you'll get credited by your electric company and you might actually make money! There are 5 main parts you'll need to create this solar generator: * Solar panels * Array DC disconnect * Inverter * AC breaker panel * Kilowatt per hour meter So how do you connect all these parts ensure that you come up with a working solar generator? First, connect your solar panel to the array DC disconnect.
This part ensures that you can actually turn your power on and off.
Next, connect the array DC disconnect to the inverter - the inverter converts the direct current you get from the solar panels into alternating current, the type of electricity that's used in your household and for your appliances.
Then, you connect the inverter to the AC breaker panel.
It's usually found in your garage or on the side of your house in a metal box, and it connects appliances in your house to the grid or whatever power source you're using.
Finally, make sure that once this is all connected, your kilowatt per hour meter is properly attached to your AC breaker panel as well as to the grid itself - the meter will ensure that you get paid if you generate more power than you use! The most difficult part of this entire process is ensuring that everything is connected to the AC breaker panel properly.
In most states it's illegal to do this by yourself unless you're a qualified electrician - so if you don't have the expertise, you should call an electrician and have him or her complete this part for you.
But this is all you need to create your own solar generator - if you have multiple solar panels, it does get more complicated but these are the steps you can start using today to create your own solar power and power your own house.

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