Business & Finance Blogging

Why Some Blogs Get Results and Others Do Not

It may be something that you have experienced.
You've poured your heart and soul into your blog.
You truly want to make the most of it and make it a valuable tool for you and your business, but you don't seem to be getting anywhere with it.
It doesn't seem to be getting any results.
You may be wondering, "Why do some blogs get results and others don't?" The reason why some blogs work and others don't is a matter of staying on purpose with the blog.
Copyblogger by Brian Clark is an example of a blog that is totally on purpose.
It's about writing on the web and copy writing.
And primarily, it's about blog writing.
And that is the content, period.
It's well written and more often than not, the content is very compelling.
Copyblogger offers strong opinion, action-able content and occasionally focuses on controversial issues.
That's what evokes discussion and response.
It's a good blog for you to study.
The reason why many blogs don't work too well is that the content is not focused, it meanders all over the place.
When your blog is trying to be too many things to too many people, your reader gets confused and don't know why they should be reading it.
They can't find what they're looking for.
This will send a blog reader running, never to return to the blog.
A lot of blogs are self-centric so they're not connecting with readers and engaging their interests.
It's critical to stay focused on your topic.
It goes without saying that many professionals wear different hats.
So you may be tempted to throw it all in there.
But that's not really the best for a blog.
A blog really should be niche specific, which will help you to stay on topic and focused.
The other thing is controversy.
Controversy can help make a blog compelling.
State your opinions.
Be bold.
And if people argue or don't agree with you, that's okay.
That's the opportunity to have a discussion and engage with them.
People like to be engaged and not just talked at.
If you implement a couple of these tactics, you should start to see your blog get some action and increased interest from your readers so you get the results you set out to achieve.

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