Law & Legal & Attorney Human rights

Residential Land Planning


    • Plan your residential community with sustainability as a goal. According to the Global Development Research Center website, sustainable development is development that balances the needs of humans with the preservation of the natural environment and ecosystems. Approach sustainability from a micro perspective by not building on environmentally protected land or land that encroaches upon the natural habit of important creatures in the local ecosystem. Research the local ecosystem by contacting local environmental groups and planning agencies. Approach sustainability from a macro perspective by choosing environmentally responsible materials to build the homes. For example, using bamboo for flooring is an environmentally sustainable choice because it is the fastest growing plant, according to the American Bamboo Society.

    Income Considerations

    • Create a residential community that accommodates different income ranges. Research creative financing to build housing for people in the low- and middle-income ranges. Also research basic needs such as playgrounds, driveways and parks. Research the latest high-end finishes, trends in layouts and other amenities that will attract people in the higher income brackets. Familiarize yourself with local ordinances. Some municipalities have certain areas zoned for mixed-income or inclusionary housing. In California, for example, Sacramento has an ordinance that seeks to achieve diverse and balanced communities in certain areas. The ordinance seeks to achieve its goals through caps on rents and the use of financial incentives.

    Smart Growth

    • According to the Smart Growth Online website, the term "smart growth" refers to policies that encourage and reinforce the development of pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use communities. In terms of residential land planning, a smart growth approach involves creating sidewalks, building homes in walking distance to retail and office facilities and planning for additional amenities specific to the community, such as schools and places of worship.

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