Pets & Animal Domestic & Farm Animals

Chicken Tractors - Save Money Build Your Own Chicken Tractors

So what is a chicken tractor? Sounds like something from a cartoon.
, I know I always get an image of Foghorn Leghorn careering around the farm on a tractor.
Actually it's just a type of chicken coop, usually based on an "A frame" design.
Which only means that the basic shape is triangular like an old fashioned tent? They are light in weight without a floor and designed to be moved around the yard occasionally.
For this reason they may have wheels at one end.
The reason they don't have a floor is so the chickens can peck and scratch at the ground and eat weeds and bugs.
That's why you have to move the tractor around the yard occasionally so that the chickens get fresh ground to peck at, and to give that part of the yard time to recover.
A chicken tractor or "arc", as they are sometimes called means the chickens have the benefits of free range living, like fresh forging in the yard and plenty of natural daylight and fresh air but they are secure and protected from predators such as foxes, cats, dogs or hawks.
Of course you can just buy a chicken tractor, but you might have to put it together anyway, and they are not so difficult to build, you don't need any special skills or special tools.
The tractor usually has two main sections, one part is covered with chicken wire to give the birds light and air the other part is like a cabin for the hens to roost and nest.

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