Almonds Awesomeness
Hello there Fit Femr's!! So I wanted to introduce to you one of the most delicious, fantastic fun foods: Almonds baby!!
Being fit and healthy can seriously be super challenging. But once you conquer the challenge, you begin to discover and enjoy some awesomeness of the healthiest foods. Alright, I know…almonds are no nachos and cheese, but think about all the benefits you receive from healthy foods and the consequences you suffer from nutrient deficient fatty foods. Remember when you were a child how much you hated eating the vegetables mama gave you? As you get older and you become conscious of your weight and body, you teach yourself to love the taste healthy food. And actually, there are a lot of healthy foods that are quite delicious. You just have to do research and look for recipes that tickle your taste buds. There are so many different types of healthy foods to choose from, you have no excuse but to eat more of them!
Break out some awesome almonds. If you want a snack that tastes good but at the same time healthy, then why don't you try almonds? Although they are known to have a high fat content, these are monosaturated fats that are good for the body. It helps in reducing certain heart diseases. Also, almonds are very good in reducing your body's cholesterol. High cholesterol could give us health problems so having normal cholesterol levels are extremely important. Diabetes is one of the major concerns of adults both men and women. But with the help of almonds, your blood sugar level will normalize after eating them. Almonds are also extremely fibrous, and we all know how fiber helps us poop right?? Yes, the sign of a healthy, regulated, digestive system.
Just like other foods like fruits and vegetables, almonds are also rich in vitamins and minerals that are good for the body. Check out the list of nutrients:
• Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
• Vitamin E
• Magnesium
• Tryptophan
• Phosphorus
Nowadays, researchers have shown that having an almond diet works because when you eat almonds, you will feel full and satiated and this feeling of fullness lasts longer than other nutrition empty foods. If you feel full, then you wouldn't want to eat or crave for more.
Nuts and almonds are known to be foods that are really good for the heart. This is really essential especially to older people. Whether you want to lose weight or just to have a healthy body, nuts are good for you. You can eat it as a snack or as a dessert after a meal or even incorporate them into your meals. I even almond butter and drink almond milk, excellent as a substitute for peanut butter and cow's milk. Almonds taste so good, I guarantee it won't be a problem when you include it in your diet.
So Fit Fem'rs, go nuts over almonds because they are awesomely delicious! If you have any recipes that include almonds, be sure to leave them in the comment box below.
Being fit and healthy can seriously be super challenging. But once you conquer the challenge, you begin to discover and enjoy some awesomeness of the healthiest foods. Alright, I know…almonds are no nachos and cheese, but think about all the benefits you receive from healthy foods and the consequences you suffer from nutrient deficient fatty foods. Remember when you were a child how much you hated eating the vegetables mama gave you? As you get older and you become conscious of your weight and body, you teach yourself to love the taste healthy food. And actually, there are a lot of healthy foods that are quite delicious. You just have to do research and look for recipes that tickle your taste buds. There are so many different types of healthy foods to choose from, you have no excuse but to eat more of them!
Break out some awesome almonds. If you want a snack that tastes good but at the same time healthy, then why don't you try almonds? Although they are known to have a high fat content, these are monosaturated fats that are good for the body. It helps in reducing certain heart diseases. Also, almonds are very good in reducing your body's cholesterol. High cholesterol could give us health problems so having normal cholesterol levels are extremely important. Diabetes is one of the major concerns of adults both men and women. But with the help of almonds, your blood sugar level will normalize after eating them. Almonds are also extremely fibrous, and we all know how fiber helps us poop right?? Yes, the sign of a healthy, regulated, digestive system.
Just like other foods like fruits and vegetables, almonds are also rich in vitamins and minerals that are good for the body. Check out the list of nutrients:
• Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
• Vitamin E
• Magnesium
• Tryptophan
• Phosphorus
Nowadays, researchers have shown that having an almond diet works because when you eat almonds, you will feel full and satiated and this feeling of fullness lasts longer than other nutrition empty foods. If you feel full, then you wouldn't want to eat or crave for more.
Nuts and almonds are known to be foods that are really good for the heart. This is really essential especially to older people. Whether you want to lose weight or just to have a healthy body, nuts are good for you. You can eat it as a snack or as a dessert after a meal or even incorporate them into your meals. I even almond butter and drink almond milk, excellent as a substitute for peanut butter and cow's milk. Almonds taste so good, I guarantee it won't be a problem when you include it in your diet.
So Fit Fem'rs, go nuts over almonds because they are awesomely delicious! If you have any recipes that include almonds, be sure to leave them in the comment box below.