Qualifications to Apply for Texas Welfare
- In general, Texas TANF benefits are limited to families with children under age 18 and very low incomes. As of 2011, if your household income is equal to or less than 185 percent of the federal poverty level for your household size, you qualify for welfare. When you apply for welfare, the Health and Human Services Commission determines your eligibility based on the amount of money you make each month, your family size and how much you pay for housing, utilities, child care and work-related expenses. In addition to meeting the income requirements, all of the people in the household must be U.S. citizens or legal immigrants.
- The state of Texas conducts an asset test for welfare applicants; in general, you cannot have more than $1,000 in cash available in a checking or savings account and receive TANF. The HHSC also considers the value of your vehicle as an asset, unless you use the vehicle for work. However, if you have a retirement account, such as a 401k or IRA, or a tax-deferred college savings account, the value of those accounts does not affect your eligibility. You can also exempt up to $7,000 in prepaid burial expenses from your assets.
- One of the conditions of receiving Texas welfare benefits is that you sign a personal responsibility agreement certifying that you will continue to follow the program guidelines and not engage in behavior that could jeopardize your eligibility. When you sign the PRA, you agree to look for a job, keep any job you already have or undergo job training if you are able to. You must also meet all of your child support obligations and not abuse alcohol or drugs while receiving benefits. In addition, you agree to take parenting classes, if necessary, ensure that your children attend school and get medical screenings and immunizations for your children.
- In some cases, you may be eligible for a one-time emergency cash assistance payment of $1,000. If you meet the income and household requirements for regular welfare benefits and experience a household emergency, such as a job loss, loss of child support, loss of your home or a medical emergency, you can receive this payment. The emergency payment is available once every 12 months, and you have to provide proof of the emergency. In most cases, when you qualify for TANF, you also qualify for heating assistance, Medicaid and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance, also known as food stamps.