Reflections by Jill - A Weekly Commentary for OLTL for March 19, 2007
I’m not sure, but I don’t really think Todd could get any more obnoxious than he is right now. I know I’ll take that back somewhere down the line when he does something even more selfish and annoying, but for now he has my tolerance level at an all-time low. And he knows exactly who to prey on to satisfy his selfish needs. Honestly, if I have to hear one more time how he is doing all these things for Evangeline because she’s his only friend in this world and she deserves to have some fun, I will just scream.
And Evangeline plays right into his hands. I am disappointed that she has become so emotionally distraught that she keeps letting Todd take advantage of her vulnerability. What has happened to her?
It was bad enough that she paraded into The Palace wearing that insane gift Todd gave her, but I had to laugh in disbelief when she said she wouldn’t keep it and he asked why she was wearing it if she hated it. It was so unlike the Evangeline we used to know when she told him that she didn’t hate it and she wore it just to see what it felt like. That was the lamest excuse I’ve ever heard. I could see if she privately tried it on; that I could understand, but there was no reason to wear it into the restaurant. Todd has a real sucker in this woman. She plays into every one of his games and it takes about three seconds for him to convince her to do anything.
Look, Cristian is certainly no prize. He doesn’t deserve Evangeline because with him it’s his way or the highway. But even though I think Cristian is a macho jerk, I think he has every right to be furious with Evangeline’s need to keep Todd as a friend, even though he shows such blatant disrespect for the relationship she has, or had, with Cristian.
And when they all ran into each other at the Winter Festival, I thought Evangeline was ridiculous when she tried to get Cristian to see her way of thinking about Todd and kept asking him to trust her. Is she crazy? The way I see it is, if someone truly loves their partner and that partner is so upset (with good reason) over a “friendship” with someone else who only wants to sabotage their relationship, then the friendship needs to go. It’s as simple as that because it’s not a friendship in the first place. Todd doesn’t give a hoot that Evangeline is supposedly heartbroken over losing Cristian. If Evangeline loved Cristian so much, she wouldn’t tolerate Todd’s behavior, like when Cristian came into The Palace and saw the necklace and Todd said to him, “That’s from me. Wanna know what I paid for it?” If Cristian were the man I loved, I’d walk away from Todd for good for that crack alone because it was nothing but Todd trying to make Cristian look and feel small. It shows disrespect for Cristian for her to sit by and let Todd insult him.
When it comes to Todd, nobody has the answers like Viki does. When he went to her and told her he was taking Evangeline away, she warned him that he was acting irrationally and it’s good that she keeps reminding Todd about Blair. She’s the reason for everything Todd does and who else besides Viki would tell Todd the truth and that is that when he’s hurting he hurts other people. Evangeline should have a talk with Viki. Maybe that would open her eyes.
Let’s move on.
Well, it took him long enough, but Antonio is finally onto the fact that something is going on between Jessica and Nash. This triangle is turning into a huge web of lies. Nash tells Jessica to choose and although it is practically killing her, she chooses Antonio, which of course makes Nash upset and angry. Jessica is lying to both men. She lied to Nash when she told him that she doesn’t feel for him what she feels for Antonio. I don’t believe that for a minute and I believe Nash’s name is the one she wrote down on that piece of paper in Marty’s office. Then Jessica tells another bunch of lies to Antonio when he confronts her about her feelings for Nash and she tells him that she doesn’t want to be with Nash and that they can’t get along because Nash only sees Tess in her and she’s afraid he’ll try to bring Tess out. Jessica is not a very good liar and Antonio is no fool. Things are going to get really interesting when Antonio starts to have real feelings for Talia. I can’t wait to see the fireworks and I do like Talia so I’m looking forward to how this all irons out.
I thought the scenes between Jessica and Nash were really powerful, especially when Jessica tried to tell him that she couldn’t be with him and that it would get easier every day and that he’d find someone else. What? I loved the way Nash laid his feelings on the line when he said, “I was lucky enough to fall in love with two women in my life and I lost them both. Nobody gets a third shot. Nobody gets that lucky.” It also had to be a real surprise for Jessica when Nash said, “Tess led me to you. I never loved her the way I love you.” Go Nash!
Okay, let’s talk about Natalie. She is fast moving over to that list of characters that I have supported and now am thinking about tossing off a bridge. Her behavior was totally uncalled for when she was with Miles at Rodi’s and spotted John and Marty together. She behaved like a silly little girl when she marched over to their table and first asked John and Marty about their having lunch together and then pushed Miles to ask Marty out. It was embarrassing and I wouldn’t have blamed John for just walking away from her.
And Evangeline plays right into his hands. I am disappointed that she has become so emotionally distraught that she keeps letting Todd take advantage of her vulnerability. What has happened to her?
It was bad enough that she paraded into The Palace wearing that insane gift Todd gave her, but I had to laugh in disbelief when she said she wouldn’t keep it and he asked why she was wearing it if she hated it. It was so unlike the Evangeline we used to know when she told him that she didn’t hate it and she wore it just to see what it felt like. That was the lamest excuse I’ve ever heard. I could see if she privately tried it on; that I could understand, but there was no reason to wear it into the restaurant. Todd has a real sucker in this woman. She plays into every one of his games and it takes about three seconds for him to convince her to do anything.
Look, Cristian is certainly no prize. He doesn’t deserve Evangeline because with him it’s his way or the highway. But even though I think Cristian is a macho jerk, I think he has every right to be furious with Evangeline’s need to keep Todd as a friend, even though he shows such blatant disrespect for the relationship she has, or had, with Cristian.
And when they all ran into each other at the Winter Festival, I thought Evangeline was ridiculous when she tried to get Cristian to see her way of thinking about Todd and kept asking him to trust her. Is she crazy? The way I see it is, if someone truly loves their partner and that partner is so upset (with good reason) over a “friendship” with someone else who only wants to sabotage their relationship, then the friendship needs to go. It’s as simple as that because it’s not a friendship in the first place. Todd doesn’t give a hoot that Evangeline is supposedly heartbroken over losing Cristian. If Evangeline loved Cristian so much, she wouldn’t tolerate Todd’s behavior, like when Cristian came into The Palace and saw the necklace and Todd said to him, “That’s from me. Wanna know what I paid for it?” If Cristian were the man I loved, I’d walk away from Todd for good for that crack alone because it was nothing but Todd trying to make Cristian look and feel small. It shows disrespect for Cristian for her to sit by and let Todd insult him.
When it comes to Todd, nobody has the answers like Viki does. When he went to her and told her he was taking Evangeline away, she warned him that he was acting irrationally and it’s good that she keeps reminding Todd about Blair. She’s the reason for everything Todd does and who else besides Viki would tell Todd the truth and that is that when he’s hurting he hurts other people. Evangeline should have a talk with Viki. Maybe that would open her eyes.
Let’s move on.
Well, it took him long enough, but Antonio is finally onto the fact that something is going on between Jessica and Nash. This triangle is turning into a huge web of lies. Nash tells Jessica to choose and although it is practically killing her, she chooses Antonio, which of course makes Nash upset and angry. Jessica is lying to both men. She lied to Nash when she told him that she doesn’t feel for him what she feels for Antonio. I don’t believe that for a minute and I believe Nash’s name is the one she wrote down on that piece of paper in Marty’s office. Then Jessica tells another bunch of lies to Antonio when he confronts her about her feelings for Nash and she tells him that she doesn’t want to be with Nash and that they can’t get along because Nash only sees Tess in her and she’s afraid he’ll try to bring Tess out. Jessica is not a very good liar and Antonio is no fool. Things are going to get really interesting when Antonio starts to have real feelings for Talia. I can’t wait to see the fireworks and I do like Talia so I’m looking forward to how this all irons out.
I thought the scenes between Jessica and Nash were really powerful, especially when Jessica tried to tell him that she couldn’t be with him and that it would get easier every day and that he’d find someone else. What? I loved the way Nash laid his feelings on the line when he said, “I was lucky enough to fall in love with two women in my life and I lost them both. Nobody gets a third shot. Nobody gets that lucky.” It also had to be a real surprise for Jessica when Nash said, “Tess led me to you. I never loved her the way I love you.” Go Nash!
Okay, let’s talk about Natalie. She is fast moving over to that list of characters that I have supported and now am thinking about tossing off a bridge. Her behavior was totally uncalled for when she was with Miles at Rodi’s and spotted John and Marty together. She behaved like a silly little girl when she marched over to their table and first asked John and Marty about their having lunch together and then pushed Miles to ask Marty out. It was embarrassing and I wouldn’t have blamed John for just walking away from her.