Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Headlines Are The Rudder Of Your Ship

Without direction, there is no goal.
You'll never hit a target that doesn't exist.
Without a driven Headline, you'll lose your traffic that aimlessly wanders your website looking for clues to confirm why they came there.
Headlines are to guide first time visitors towards your goal, without distractions, without guesswork.
Blinders were put on horses to keep them focused on where the driver wanted the horse to go without getting sidetracked, which could spook the horse and cause a runaway situation.
Headlines need to capture your visitors attention so they won't get sidetracked, but be glued to what's going to happen next.
You know what your final goal is for each visitor, it's your job to take each guest by the hand and get them to that finishing line without losing them, because they may never come back once they're gone.
Remember, it's not their responsibility to understand, it's your responsibility to get the point across.
If they can't understand what the goal of the site is, you didn't do your job.
What do you do when you look at a newspaper, you scan the headlines to see what you want to read for the few minutes you have to spare.
When something captures your interest, you stop, and read a sub-headline, then if that pulls you in further, you'll read the article.
The job of a headline, is to get them to stay long enough to read the second line.
The job of the second line, is to keep them interested enough to read the third line, and so forth.
You can also structure your page with all the sub-headlines at the top of the page, linked to that topic deep within your content.
Your guest may not have time to read the whole article, but wants to jump to the topic they came for, satisfy their interest and bookmark the site to come back, which leads to another important mini-headline, the "Bookmark Me" headline, don't make them have to search to find you again.

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