Health & Medical Anti Aging

Natural Ways to Make Your Skin Glow Faster

Your skin is a reflection of your health, just like the mirror reflects your true image.
Well, nature did not bless everyone with perfect pores.
In addition, a lot of people are not affluent enough to go for artificial makeover in order to achieve a perfect skin.
Even at that, the artificial makeover may not produce a lasting effect and may have some after-effects.
So, what is the best recipe to glow your skin faster, without spending much and not exposing your skin to any risk factor? Natural therapies are the answer of course.
Just with a couple of tips, you can achieve a perfect a great-looking skin.
Start with Facial Steam Therapy Facial steam therapy is a 15 minutes procedure that produces a soothing effect and helps to cleanse and open up your facial skin pores.
Choose a therapeutic herb and put a spoonful of such herb in a steaming hot water.
If you have oily skin type, consider going for thyme or peppermint herb.
I love the effect of chamomile on my sensitive and dry skin.
People with normal skin type will love to experiment with lavender or rosemary, any of these works well for normal skin.
Procedure: when you take off the boiling water from the stove, place the right quantity of herb suitable for your skin type into the hot water.
Then, keep a comfortable distance from the bowl containing the hot water and the herb, and look down into the bowl using towel to cover your head up to your shoulders.
But, before you start the procedure, don't forget to wash your face with semi warm water and mild soap of your choice.
Get Rid of Dead Skin Cells After the Facial Steaming Therapy Actually, this is the procedure that ushers in skin glow.
As soon as you are through with the facial steaming procedure, get rid of dead skin cells to start glowing your skin.
Dead skin cells do not allow the skin to glow.
Also, dead skin cells are responsible for pores clogging, which eventually results in acne.
Although you can find some exfoliating products, the natural exfoliators such as loofah are highly effective as well.
After massaging your face with loofah or any other natural exfoliator, allow 2-3 minutes to elapse before rinsing off with lukewarm water.
Make a Honey Mask Make paste with sufficient quantity of honey and the right quantity of flour.
Don't forget to include a squeeze of lemon juice to improve the effectiveness of the mask.
In addition to skin moisturizing, the antifungal properties present in honey aid in fighting acne.
On the other hand, lemon will facilitate the fight against blackheads, as well as get rid of the remnant dead skin cells.
This procedure will aid faster skin glow when you apply it immediately after exfoliating your skin.
Leave the mask for 15 minutes in order to achieve better result.
Also, washing your face with warm water is curative of skin blemishes such as acne, and your skin will glow thereafter.
Pat-dry your face after washing it with warm water.
Massaging a small amount of olive oil onto your skin will aid skin glow.

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