Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Steps on How to Take Control of Your Breathing and Take Control of Your Life

Take Control of your breathing and take control of your life Breathing is a vital life force of all human beings.
It is the way that energy is transported around the body and is the body's automatic cleansing system.
Breathing is linked to the autonomic and limbic system within the body which are partially responsible for emotions and states.
By controlling our breathing we can control our emotions.
One thing to remember is that many individuals are not breathing correctly; I know this may sound strange but it is true.
For one reason or another they have learnt to what I call shallow breath, this is breathing from the chest and not from the stomach.
Try these breathing exercises.
Step One Take a deep breath in and then exhale out about a tenth of your lung capacity and inhale to fill up again, this is shallow breathing.
When you are breathing it helps if you rest one hand on your stomach to check that your stomach raises when you inhale.
This will be your check that you are breathing correctly.
Do this ten times and check how you are feeling, when you get use to doing this exercise you can increase the repetitions.
At first it will feel a little strange but with time you will get use to it.
Over time you will feel better and more motivated.
Step Two Breathe in slowly to the count of eight, rest your hand on your stomach to check that you are breathing correctly.
Breathe out slowly to the count of six contracting your stomach.
At first do this five times and with practice increase to ten and then fifteen.
You should feel calm; I love this one because it makes me feel really good.
This exercise is also used in meditation.
I have done these exercises with myself and continue to do them and I have also done them with my clients and they have reported that after feeling a little strange and wanting to laugh they enjoyed doing the exercises and began to feel really relaxed and motivated to take on their challenges of the day.
I hope that doing these exercises will help you as much as they have helped so many others and would love to hear from you with your feedback.

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