Stop Child Abuse
This article is one of the most awful veracity based and the most realistic researched based article, which I have ever written in my life. This article has created many hindrances in my personal matters too while working for it. Even the research has made me to lose some of my known people, because they think that it is wrong to find about the bitter realities. I work on this article for the social cause and I damn care for others who didn't want me to write this awareness article in order to alert the young generation of our society about this abusive issue. I want to prepare youngsters for their future to deal which such incidents with dare.
I have done 2 years of extensive research on the issue of CHILD ABUSE.
This article is the reality based article, and I have already received many international proclaimed for this research.
I am glad to see lots of audience to appreciate my work but despair to see many who did not trust me when I started working for this article.
I hate child to be abused. I want criminals to be in jail as soon as possible.
Our government is taking no steps and I know few young children who had been abused by bastard abuser and for that purpose, I wrote this article to aware every one about the repute, which has already been lost by many youngsters who had been abused.
May be many people might think of me wrong as I had visited several websites to gather information about child abuse and I also chatted on Mirc channels, in order to trap the accused for finding out the realities. I have talked too many who had just insanely performed such acts and tried to trap youngsters for the fulfillment of their abusive wishes. I anonymously chatted them like an innocent child, talked them on phone, and also met few with lots of security protection of my relatives for me, in order to trap them to find out the reasons.
It's a noble cause and I dedicate this work for some one who is every thing to me. I know that person would feel proud of me one day, when that person will know that I have written good article for humanity awareness.
What the anguish is the world is doing to deliberate towards solving the major, bitter problem of our society? I.e. dilemma of CHILD ABUSE.
Children are innocent, but it doesn't mean that we should ignore our duty to give them Proper attention. The emotional scars are deeper than the physical scars. Who will fill the scars which are left behind and which could not be mended easily?
I would like to congratulate and would present the award to the United Nation, Child Protection agencies and especially to the social workers, for just sitting and eating donations from the donor countries and for doing nothing to stop this serious major concerned problem.
Arranging meetings, seminars etc on child abuse issue would never solve the problem until and unless governments pass any law i.e. severe punishment for the accused.
I can't solve this major problem individually. All I can do is to motivate every one to just move forward to solve this problem globally.
I would like to give basic awareness to the local public as well as to the government officials, to learn about the basic facts about the major concerning problem of child abuse.
Remember that Child abuse is never child's fault. It's the fault of those dirty minds, which are like wild animals.
Child abuse consists of any act, or failure to act, that jeopardizes a child's physical or emotional or mental health and development.
Child abuse also means to sodomize young male or female orally or sexually.
There are three major types of child abuse:
•Physical abuse
•Emotional abuse
•Sexual abuse
Physical child abuse is the wound resulting from physical aggression. Beating, shaking, kicking, pinching, biting, hair-pulling, burning with cigarettes, scalding water or hot objects, abuse by a sibling/relative etc are all in the category of physical abuse.
Emotional abuse is a prototype of actions that attacks a child's emotional development. It includes steady criticizing; belittling, insulting, rejecting and teasing are some of the forms these oral attacks can take.
Sexual abuse, which is our main topic of concern in this article, is critically defined as:
Sexual abuse of a child is any sexual act between an adult and a child (either gender). This term is also known as sodomization or child molestation.
It includes touching; kissing, hugging or making them to allow you to touch their sex organs, forcing the child to undress, spying on a child in the bathroom or bedroom, exposing children to pornography (movies, magazines, or websites), luring a child for sexual relationships, exposing children to adult sexuality in any form like showing sex organs to a child, forced observation of sexual acts, telling "dirty" stories, child prostitution or sexual exploitation (using a child to perform sex with others), which is very common in Asian countries, intercourse, incest, rape, oral sex, sodomy or even beyond it.
Sexual child abusers can be: Stepmothers, stepfathers, siblings, or other relatives, childcare professionals, peons, government officers, teachers, or athletic coaches, foster parents, truck drivers, friends, relatives, vagabond, burger boys, rich business man, strangers etc
What are the reasons, which makes a normal person to abuse child?
My research has found some of the factors, which are given below:
Stress, lack of the nurturing qualities, difficulty controlling anger, a personal history of being abused by some one in the past, divorce, isolation from the family or community, physical or mental health problems, alcohol or drug abuse, marital conflict, financial difficulties, for fun and pleasure, taking out frustration, short temper etc.
Child abuser specially tries to trap innocent, young, cute, chubby, shy, reserved, or alone child.
They can use any medium to trap them like giving them gift; inviting them for a cup of tea; giving them rupees or free coupons; threat them; inspiring them by giving them extra attention etc.
Child abusers are very clever. They try to trap innocent on net via mail or chat or by visiting public parks or any area, which is full of crowd.
Some signs of sexual child abuse are as follows:
•Fear, depression, shyness, fever, quietness, shivering, tension, fever, stammering while talking, inappropriate interest or your child could be attention Deficit., avoidance of things related to sexuality, or rejection of own genitals or body, excessive aggression, fear of a particular person, impaired social behavior, antisocial behavior, and difficulty establishing intimate personal relationships, low self-esteem, self-injury, suicidal tendencies, eating disorders; personality disorders, nightmares, bed wetting etc.
Steps to be taken
•If you suspect child abuse, always report it for the sake of the child. Inform the victim parents and call your nearest police station or take the help of Rangers.
•Do not neglect if your child wants to share some thing to you. Always build the relation of trust with your child.
•Do not mentally torture your child. Be calm and ask them the real scenario.
•Never de-motivate them to speak up.
•Teach them from their early age to be aware of child abusers.
•Teach them not to talk to any stranger or passerby.
•Teach your child not to receive mail, gifts, or packages from someone you don't know.
•Gently encourage the child to give you enough information to evaluate whether abuse may have occurred.
•If the child reveals the mistreatment, reinstate him/her that you believe him/her, that he/she is right to tell you, and that he/she is not bad.
Who can help victim?
Social worker; Teacher; Police; Lawyer; Family Member etc.
Now it's high time to take action. The life of victim cannot be judged. We cannot conceive the pain in their heart properly. Governments should pass severe strict laws against child abusers so that they could not perform such act ever again in their life.
The issue should be raised in all the Public and Government schools and I would request every one to circulate this researched article to your families, friends, and students etc to spread awareness among them. Your support, act of kindness and adoration towards innocent child will bring happiness and a little smile on their faces.
I have done 2 years of extensive research on the issue of CHILD ABUSE.
This article is the reality based article, and I have already received many international proclaimed for this research.
I am glad to see lots of audience to appreciate my work but despair to see many who did not trust me when I started working for this article.
I hate child to be abused. I want criminals to be in jail as soon as possible.
Our government is taking no steps and I know few young children who had been abused by bastard abuser and for that purpose, I wrote this article to aware every one about the repute, which has already been lost by many youngsters who had been abused.
May be many people might think of me wrong as I had visited several websites to gather information about child abuse and I also chatted on Mirc channels, in order to trap the accused for finding out the realities. I have talked too many who had just insanely performed such acts and tried to trap youngsters for the fulfillment of their abusive wishes. I anonymously chatted them like an innocent child, talked them on phone, and also met few with lots of security protection of my relatives for me, in order to trap them to find out the reasons.
It's a noble cause and I dedicate this work for some one who is every thing to me. I know that person would feel proud of me one day, when that person will know that I have written good article for humanity awareness.
What the anguish is the world is doing to deliberate towards solving the major, bitter problem of our society? I.e. dilemma of CHILD ABUSE.
Children are innocent, but it doesn't mean that we should ignore our duty to give them Proper attention. The emotional scars are deeper than the physical scars. Who will fill the scars which are left behind and which could not be mended easily?
I would like to congratulate and would present the award to the United Nation, Child Protection agencies and especially to the social workers, for just sitting and eating donations from the donor countries and for doing nothing to stop this serious major concerned problem.
Arranging meetings, seminars etc on child abuse issue would never solve the problem until and unless governments pass any law i.e. severe punishment for the accused.
I can't solve this major problem individually. All I can do is to motivate every one to just move forward to solve this problem globally.
I would like to give basic awareness to the local public as well as to the government officials, to learn about the basic facts about the major concerning problem of child abuse.
Remember that Child abuse is never child's fault. It's the fault of those dirty minds, which are like wild animals.
Child abuse consists of any act, or failure to act, that jeopardizes a child's physical or emotional or mental health and development.
Child abuse also means to sodomize young male or female orally or sexually.
There are three major types of child abuse:
•Physical abuse
•Emotional abuse
•Sexual abuse
Physical child abuse is the wound resulting from physical aggression. Beating, shaking, kicking, pinching, biting, hair-pulling, burning with cigarettes, scalding water or hot objects, abuse by a sibling/relative etc are all in the category of physical abuse.
Emotional abuse is a prototype of actions that attacks a child's emotional development. It includes steady criticizing; belittling, insulting, rejecting and teasing are some of the forms these oral attacks can take.
Sexual abuse, which is our main topic of concern in this article, is critically defined as:
Sexual abuse of a child is any sexual act between an adult and a child (either gender). This term is also known as sodomization or child molestation.
It includes touching; kissing, hugging or making them to allow you to touch their sex organs, forcing the child to undress, spying on a child in the bathroom or bedroom, exposing children to pornography (movies, magazines, or websites), luring a child for sexual relationships, exposing children to adult sexuality in any form like showing sex organs to a child, forced observation of sexual acts, telling "dirty" stories, child prostitution or sexual exploitation (using a child to perform sex with others), which is very common in Asian countries, intercourse, incest, rape, oral sex, sodomy or even beyond it.
Sexual child abusers can be: Stepmothers, stepfathers, siblings, or other relatives, childcare professionals, peons, government officers, teachers, or athletic coaches, foster parents, truck drivers, friends, relatives, vagabond, burger boys, rich business man, strangers etc
What are the reasons, which makes a normal person to abuse child?
My research has found some of the factors, which are given below:
Stress, lack of the nurturing qualities, difficulty controlling anger, a personal history of being abused by some one in the past, divorce, isolation from the family or community, physical or mental health problems, alcohol or drug abuse, marital conflict, financial difficulties, for fun and pleasure, taking out frustration, short temper etc.
Child abuser specially tries to trap innocent, young, cute, chubby, shy, reserved, or alone child.
They can use any medium to trap them like giving them gift; inviting them for a cup of tea; giving them rupees or free coupons; threat them; inspiring them by giving them extra attention etc.
Child abusers are very clever. They try to trap innocent on net via mail or chat or by visiting public parks or any area, which is full of crowd.
Some signs of sexual child abuse are as follows:
•Fear, depression, shyness, fever, quietness, shivering, tension, fever, stammering while talking, inappropriate interest or your child could be attention Deficit., avoidance of things related to sexuality, or rejection of own genitals or body, excessive aggression, fear of a particular person, impaired social behavior, antisocial behavior, and difficulty establishing intimate personal relationships, low self-esteem, self-injury, suicidal tendencies, eating disorders; personality disorders, nightmares, bed wetting etc.
Steps to be taken
•If you suspect child abuse, always report it for the sake of the child. Inform the victim parents and call your nearest police station or take the help of Rangers.
•Do not neglect if your child wants to share some thing to you. Always build the relation of trust with your child.
•Do not mentally torture your child. Be calm and ask them the real scenario.
•Never de-motivate them to speak up.
•Teach them from their early age to be aware of child abusers.
•Teach them not to talk to any stranger or passerby.
•Teach your child not to receive mail, gifts, or packages from someone you don't know.
•Gently encourage the child to give you enough information to evaluate whether abuse may have occurred.
•If the child reveals the mistreatment, reinstate him/her that you believe him/her, that he/she is right to tell you, and that he/she is not bad.
Who can help victim?
Social worker; Teacher; Police; Lawyer; Family Member etc.
Now it's high time to take action. The life of victim cannot be judged. We cannot conceive the pain in their heart properly. Governments should pass severe strict laws against child abusers so that they could not perform such act ever again in their life.
The issue should be raised in all the Public and Government schools and I would request every one to circulate this researched article to your families, friends, and students etc to spread awareness among them. Your support, act of kindness and adoration towards innocent child will bring happiness and a little smile on their faces.