Health & Medical Acne

Dark Upper Lip From Birth Control


    • The symptoms are only cosmetic; the darkening of the skin. There is no related feeling of illness or soreness of the skin.


    • According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the darkening of the skin is commonly caused by a change in hormones which is normally found in women who are on birth control or are pregnant.


    • states that after a person stops taking hormonal medication, the discoloration should fade over time. However, in some cases the darkening never fully goes away.


    • Some creams that suggests include Hydroquinone--a cream that takes pigment out of the skin, Tretinoin--a type of vitamin A, and Azelaic acid--a cream that slows down the production of pigment. Chemical peels, microdermabrasion, or laser surgery are additional methods of treatment.

    Preventative actions

    • Sun exposure can worsen this condition. Wearing sunscreen and limiting sun exposure can help to lessen the discoloration.

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