Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

I Need Relief and Hemorrhoids Treatment at Home

My trouble began almost nine months ago; yes you guessed it my woman had a baby bump.
Now I was prepared for the late night requests for burgers, pickles and ice cream.
I was also prepared to sit there and be yelled at for "doing this to her" but one thing I did not realize would happen would be to buy a big donut for my wife who had pregnancy hemorrhoids.
This phenomena is not all that uncommon actually, it is quite common for women who are pregnant for the first time as my wife was.
Not only was she in unbearable pain but the externality of her pain eventually found its way towards me, I needed to find a hemorrhoids treatment at home and fast or I didn't think I'd make it to the birth of my child.
Now I must clear up, my wife is a beautiful individual, and I love her through thick and thin, but this experience has taught me that she should only get pregnant once! I don't think either of us will make it through another pregnancy.
These pregnancy hemorrhoids were giving my fiancé such a difficult time and whatever information she was being told on how to reduce the effects of it were nothing but old wives tales that didn't help.
I needed to do something so I set out Googling anything I could find.
This proved to be a daunting task and after a week of Googling with no results but the same old wives tales that didn't help I was at my wits end and had no hope in sight.
Then a guardian angel came down from Canada to help me, or rather my sister decided to visit us for the summer.
She stayed over and the first thing she noticed was the inflatable donut, she then quickly knew that her sister-in-law had pregnancy hemorrhoids, her luggage was still in the car when she took out her iPhone and began texting up a storm to her girlfriends.
I asked her what she was doing and she said "go unpack my things, or your wife will still have no relief or hemorrhoids treatment at home".
Well I did as was told and within the hour she wrote down and gave me a list of helpful tips.
First thing she did was go to the nursey, I thought she was going to compliment our decorating choices, not a chance.
Turns out she was looking for the baby wipes, found them and put them in the master bathroom.
She then told my wife to use those whenever she went to the bathroom, it would help with the swelling, then she told my wife to wear my boxers instead to help with the irritation.
My wife was willing to try anything for relief, and that's what she got, and she went and attacked the list with recklece abandon.

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