Health & Medical Self-Improvement

I"ll See You At The Top!

Then the Lord came down on to Mount Sinai, to the TOP of the mountain, and the Lord sent for Moses to come up to the TOP of the mountain, and Moses went "UP".
Exodus 19:20, BBE.
Dearly Beloved Friend, Just a piece of reminder that, there is a theme that has a connection with you feeling good about you! How do you feel good about you? You only achieve that by focusing on your desires and dreams.
All of them are achievable but...
with a "if"! I'll see you at the TOP "if" you don't lose your focus! "if" you are ready to pay the price! You'll win "if" you are willing to pay the price! You can only feel good about you "if" you achieve your goals and heart desires.
And in case someone do not know, that is the whole essence of living! I however have one question for you and it is very straight forward and simple...
"Do you have a heart desire or goal that you are ready to die for?" Until you have found something you are willing to die for, you are not prepared to live.
Think about this whole life holding principle - what are you willing to achieve as a desire.
Do you really have one? Note that, you are not allowed to come to earth for heaven.
Heaven was existing before you were born and will always be.
Don't focus on achieving entry into heaven and become useless on earth while you live.
Sounds strange? But that is true.
You are allowed to come to earth for a purpose and that purpose must be fulfilled here on earth not heaven! When you die, your purpose is gone! What is your purpose for living? And don't be surprised that your purpose is based on your plans! Do you have a plan? What is your purpose? Will you ever feel good about you? Get Wisdom! ACT OF WISDOM: Get the best out of the season! Learn how to become focused and remain focused till you attain your goals.
There is no other secret to success than doing.
Therefore, get in on the train, get focused, stay focused, be glued to your dreams and never forget to get help along the way by visiting http://www.
today so as to Get Wisdom! ³But in the last days it will come about that the mountain of the Lord's house will be placed on the TOP of the mountains, and be lifted "UP" over the hills; and peoples will be flowing to it.
² Micah 4:1, BBE.
For the (S)uccess (O)f (F)aithful (A)nd (T)otally (O)rganised (Y)ou (E)ternally and till you are encircled by acts of wisdom, I remain your keen friend.
Your Friend! Olakunle Solomon Fatoye.

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