Health & Medical Hypertension

Elevated Blood Pressure Through Alcohol

As we progress through various stages of our daily routine and we experience the build up of different stresses that are placed on our bodies this can cause our blood pressure to fluctuate immensely both up and down.
However various physical actions can cause similar problems these could include the consumption of certain food types and the over indulgence of alcohol.
Alcohol would be the more serious of these if consumed to excess and on a regular basis.
Repeated over indulgence of alcohol can have significant effects on our health some of which could become serious if not monitored and regulated accordingly.
The continued consumption of alcohol can lead to other medical conditions that may have a direct consequence on your blood pressure levels.
If you are a regular or frequent drinker as a matter of course you should expect to have slightly elevated blood pressure, and over time may experience deterioration in kidney function and possibly other internal organs IE the liver with additional pressure continually being exerted on the associated arteries all of which are closely related to our blood pressure and internal well being.
Best advice would be to regulate alcoholic intake, and depending on your current medical condition it could be advisable to cut it out all together.
A female's tolerance to alcohol is generally lower than a males therefore similar effects should be expected only on a shorter timescale.
If continued high blood pressure is evident through alcohol, medical advice would likely be to reduce or cut out consumption altogether.
Some weight issues are also directly related to excessive alcohol consumption, this is only to be expected owing to the high sugar content in various alcoholic drinks in particular beers.
Beer tends to settle around your mid rift giving you the famous beer belly which can cause medical issues on its own however more importantly blood pressure levels will be elevated.
The more body fat you carry the more pressure you are placing on you arteries and organs which all contribute to you blood pressure levels.
Because of the relationship between alcohol and blood pressure its very simply a case of over indulge and the blood pressure goes up, reduce the intake and the levels should decrease.
Alcohol can contribute to various medical conditions, some we can have an element of control over by simply using common sense and moderate what we know is not good for us.
If you suffer from high blood pressure from non alcohol related conditions it would be advisable to seek professional advice regarding consumption of alcohol and suggested amounts.
If you don't feel the need to seek or want medical advice regarding this topic, but would like further information then you will usually find informative literature in the form of leaflet type handouts at most public areas such as libraries, doctors surgeries and health centres Etc.

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