Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Pre-Employment Background Checks: Why Implement Them in a Workplace

Before you hire a potential employee, it is important to know if you can trust them. Everyone wants to land the job, and that is why roughly 35 percent of all applicants lie on some detail of the application. Don't let a first impression fool you; make sure you know if the person you are considering for hire is a stand-up individual with a clean record. The best way to ensure that you are hiring individuals you can trust is to perform a pre-employment background check. Read on to find out why pre employment background checks are so important.

Failure to pre-screen employees - There are a few things that can go wrong if you fail to put potential employees through a pre-screening process. First of all, you could end up hiring a person who has a criminal record and is not going to be honest with you or the company. If you don't perform a pre-employment background check, you could put other employees at risk of inappropriate behavior in the workplace. Last but not least, if you do not put employees through a pre-employment background check, you could suffer considerable losses. The bottom line is this: performing pre-employment background checks can save you, your employees, your clients and your company from a lot of un-needed hassle and stress. Pre-screening is not perfect, as sometimes ill qualified employees slip through the system; however, pre-screening is the best way to alert the employer of a potentially un-desirable employee.

What to look for - Knowing the importance of pre-employment background checks is only half the battle. You now need to know what you should be checking future employees for. Some recommended pre-employment checks for each desired employee are as follows: drug testing, criminal offender profile summary, credit reports, education verification, driving records, sex offender registry search, social security verification, and workers compensation reports. Now these are only a few of the many reports your can request, there are countless others you can request before offering employment to an interviewee.

Who can you trust – When you're ready to work with a company that specializes in background screening services, how do you know what company you can trust? The following are a few things you should look for when choosing background screening services. First of all, make sure that the company of your choice can provide you with up-to-date reports; second, check to see if the service satisfies your business objectives. Lastly, make sure that the company can provide referrals and a quote before you decide to work with them or not.

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