Home & Garden Green Living

Go Green At Work - Ways To Make Lunches And Breaks More Eco-Friendly

Whether we want to be there or not, we spend tons of time at work.
Lots of people even spend more time at work than they do at home.
Keeping this in mind, it is important to make changes in our daily work routines that allow us to maintain our green lifestyles even when we are at work.
The changes you can make to go green at work are very simple but effective.
For example, there are some simple changes you can make when it comes to breaks and lunches that can make a great positive impact on the environment.
Many of these tips will also save you and your company money! Silverware - Bringing your own silverware means that you do not have to use the plastic utensils generally supplied by offices.
Already, by making this simple change, you are saving on plastic waste.
Cups - Bringing your own mug--which you can wash and reuse everyday--is another very simple way to cut down on plastic or paper waste.
Why waste a paper cup every day when you can reuse a perfectly good mug.
Plus, mugs have more personality! You can find them with all types of designs, graphics, and comic images.
Bring Your Lunch - This immediately saves you money.
Spending money on fast food and restaurant food is an expense that really adds up--especially when you do it every day.
Plus, you can make your own organic meals for your lunches and snacks, rather than eating at venues that most likely get have non-organic and non-local ingredients.
Meaning that more energy is used to transport the ingredients for their food, and that their food is produced using industrial agricultural processes which take lots of fuel and chemicals to create.
Reusable Lunch Containers - When you bring your own lunch, you can go even greener by using reusable lunch containers rather than plastic baggies, foil, paper bags, and other materials.
Filtered Water - Businesses can provide filtered water to their employees which helps eliminate the use of bottled water.
This saves tons of plastic.
If this for some reason is not an option, then companies can take the initiative to start recycling their plastic bottles.
There are many ways to go green in the office place, and these easy tips will help get you started.
If you are interested in learning how to go green in even more ways, there are many great tips online that are just as simple and that will also save you money.

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