Home & Garden Green Living

Five Reasons to Go Solar NOW!

The Rebates might not last forever: For the past few years governments around the world have been offering rebates to encourage people to install solar power and to go green.
But recently the governments are changing these offers and reducing the rebates, most of the time without prior warning.
Right now there are thousands of them! So don't keep waiting.
Act now when you can get the most benefit out of these rebates.
Slash those electricity bills: How would it be to instantly cut your electricity bills down to half their size? Or maybe stop paying at all? Pretty cool! Right? Now, What if you actually got PAID to generate your own electricity? Awesome! Well, that's what solar energy is all about.
You get paid to save money and to generate electricity for your home and office needs.
And if that's not a good reason to switch to solar power, what is? 3.
Help create a cleaner future: What sort of future would you like your children to have? A future where people work in dangerous coal mines, probably ruining their health forever and generating thermal energy releasing green house gases, which destroy the environment? (Or) One where your kids get employment in safe industries which depend on clean and eco-friendly solar power? Well, take the first step to a greener future by installing solar panels in your home or office and encourage your friends and colleagues to do the same.
Mother Nature needs you: The countries of the world are finally(though very slowly) waking up to the fact that burning fossil fuels is HARMFUL.
They have adopted many measures to protect the rapidly degenerating environment,but these are not enough.
We, as citizens of the world, have to do our bit.
We cannot just sit and wait for scientists to find a magic solution.
And even if they do find one, it might be too late.
So protect the environment by choosing to install solar power.
After all we only have ONE Earth! 5.
Increase the value of your home: As more and more people are moving towards cleaner energy sources, a house equipped with solar power has an advantage over one which depends on conventional energy sources.
This can become a major selling point.
Between two similar houses the one with solar power has a greater chance of being sold.
Even if you are not selling your house, installing solar power is a good investment.

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