Health & Medical Hypertension

How Can You Prevent High Blood Pressure? That is the Question

High blood pressure or hypertension is among one of the major causes of cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease and stroke.
Other known consequences of hypertension are blindness or impaired vision and kidney failure.
Worse, this ailment is not limited to older persons anymore, as we witness deaths caused by hypertension with below 30 and 30+ years old as victims.
No single factor was cited as the definite cause of hypertension.
The risk factors may include: family history, advancing age (45 years and above for males and 55 years old or over for females), improper diet, and unhealthy lifestyle habits.
A blood pressure reading measures the force of blood as it presses against the wall of the arteries.
It is made up of two numbers that measure the heart while pumping (also called systolic pressure) and while resting (also called diastolic pressure).
Hypertension rarely shows warning signs.
Thus, the only way to find out if you have hypertension pressure is to visit health clinics and have your blood pressure checked.
For adults, normal range of pressure is under 130/85.
If your blood pressure falls between 130-140/85-90, and you have several risk factors cited above, you will have to see a doctor for advice.
If it's over 140/90, you may have high blood pressure and at risk of developing complications.
Ideal recommended frequency of measuring blood pressure if you suspect you have hypertension is once every other week.
After several tests and your pressure remains consistently high you must consult your doctor and set up a plan to bring it under control.
Most of us consume one to two teaspoons of salt a day.
Salt causes tissues to retain fluid, putting the squeeze on your arteries.
So, reduce salt intake.
You need just a pinch (about 500mg) of salt each day.
Similarly, you have to reduce fat intake as it creates masses of plaque that clog your arteries.
Eating too much fatty foods also leads to weight gain and might eventually result to obesity or excessive body weight.
Both salt and fats restrict blood flow thereby increases the blood pressure.
On the other hand, if you are taking medications for hypertension, here are some tips to make it more effective: make it a habit, ask your doctor when you should take your medication and it must be taken at the same time everyday, never stop taking medication without your doctor's consent for it might cause a sudden, life-threatening increase in blood pressure, and do not double the dose of your medication if you miss taking it.
Finally, adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes: regular physical exercise, watch and control your weight, manage stress effectively, avoid extra caffeine, quit smoking, and limit alcohol intake.

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