Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Rating Top Quality Authors at the Top Online Article Directory Websites Considered

Derivative article software programs are being sold to article marketers in record numbers and those authors are using this software to create 1000s of articles, and they are filling up the online article directories so fast, that the legitimate content posted and published by real human authors doesn't stand a chance.
I've heard some of these software affiliate program sellers laughing, thinking they are really sly, while they've talked to me on the phone.
What can be done about this? Rebecca, a top online article author in her own right, believes that one way to combat the onslaught of derivative articles at the top article directory websites is to give article-authors a rating number, this way the poor computer generating content and those who use it will not be able to get such an advantage over the real authors that they drown them out.
This makes sense.
There are a few comments I'd like to address on this issue.
One is that eventually these derivative software programs will get better and thus it will be extremely difficult for the average human to compete with on even the quality aspect, as we know they don't stand a chance on the quantity race, as that is already evident.
Maybe Rebecca is correct, and my thought was one of the big hang-ups is that human editors will need to rate the article authors manually, ouch that could take some time because there are some 200,000 article authors.
However, very few have more than 50 articles.
So, to solve the productivity and time issue would be only to rate those authors with 50 or more articles.
Interestingly enough, I have been to all the websites and author pages of every author at one of the top directory sites that have more than 250 articles just to get ideas about how to improve my own article quality and efficiency, also to look at other perspectives and to learn things.
Indeed, I am amazed at the level of expertise some of the authors here have, unbelievable real-world long-term industry experience, they are so worthy, and deserve not to be drown out in their categories, I sure wish we could somehow figure out a way to have these "top rated" authors in each category, perhaps a link to an additional page with the top 20 by a rating system in each.
That would allow for both marketers and superstars of humanity and industry equal chance since there are a lot of different goals being achieved with authors who think a lot differently about what they are doing.
Such a rating system would also help people that use this directory to "get information" so that would be nice a nice tool.
Please consider all this.

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