Society & Culture & Entertainment Horoscopes

How Live Astrology Works?

Usually, Live Astrology works within a time frame as stipulated by the seeker and the astrologer at the time of confirmation. Within the stipulated time, one can ask as many questions as one wants to. Also, there is no confinement regarding the nature of questions. They can be on varied aspects of life, including health, wealth, career, relationships, family, marriage, business, children, etc. In order to avail the same, one needs to get registered. As a part of registration process, one is required to provide basic details about oneself, besides confirming on the preferred date and time of Live Astrology session and the time frame. Time frame is usually available in two choices of 30 minutes and 60 minutes.

After carrying out an assessment of your details and requirements, we will get back to you with a confirmation. If the date and time slot as preferred by you would be available, the same would be allotted in to you. Otherwise, you would be provided with alternate options, from which you can choose the most appropriate and suitable one. As date and time gets confirmed, you will be provided with a URL or a telephone number, as the case may be. You would be required to make your presence over it on the stipulated date at the confirmed time. Get yourself better prepared for the same by writing down a list of problems which you would like to raise in the session, in an order of preference.

The Actual Process
Out of the basic details one has provided about oneself, an astrologer on the other side will prepare a detailed chart. On the stipulated date and time, an astrologer will make his astrology consultation services available to the seeker on the decided medium of communication. In case of an Internet, consultation services will be availed over a chat session, and in case of telephone, consultation services will be availed over a telephone call. As one would start asking questions on different subjects of life, an astrologer will carry an assessment of the chart to provide appropriate quick and effective solutions.

The entire communication process is properly recorded, a transcript of the same is prepared, and is later provided to the seeker, so that it can be brought into use for any future references.

The Possible Problems
At the time of registration, the seeker is provided with an option to choose the language in which he wishes to avail the consultation services. Acting on the same, the astrologer providing consultation services accordingly bring in the assistants. Usually, an astrologer is accompanied with a language expert and an assistant, who make the entire communication process more easy, smooth, and effective. Therefore, there are very slight chances that any problems might arise in the process.

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