Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Experiences In Childhood And Adolescence That Affect Us And Our Future!

How can we use the experiences that we have had so far in our lives and, more important, how can we create experiences to become what we want to be? One of the many I have experienced: When I was 5 years old my mother took me to watch a Water-Polo match being played at a pool in SE London, UK.
I can remember getting so excited and I just couldn't wait to get into that pool to try to swim.
You see I was exposed to the experience by someone else and here is what it did for me.
I learned to swim soon after that and then eventually I played Water Polo for the Electronics Company that I worked for when I was an apprentice in my late teens.
Later I also played for Imperial College, London University and our team toured Holland for a week playing against the Dutch Universities.
Then my wife, Shirley, and I immigrated to Ottawa, Canada.
When we arrived in Ottawa there was no Water-Polo being played and there were no facilities, and there had been no Water Polo played in Ottawa since 1945, 17 years earlier.
So I worked to get Water-Polo started at one well established pool in Ottawa and then at the other City pool.
There were only the two old pools in the City.
However three years later we had six pools with Water- Polo facilities including three new City pools that had already been planned for when I arrived on the scene.
I convinced the City to build Water Polo facilities into the design prior to the pools being built.
We also managed to convince a local Subdivision builder to redesign a new pool for going into a sports centre as part of a large new housing project.
By that time I was playing 3 and 4 times per week.
By then, three years later, we had a six team senior league and seventeen high school teams playing in the City.
I was on the phone, it seemed, up to 2-3 hours per day.
In 1966 our team won the Ottawa championship and was invited to play in the national finals in Winnipeg.
All this from wanting to play Water-Polo based upon an early childhood experience at 5 years old.
Why tell you all this? Because it illustrates that when you are young you get experiences that are provided by your parents, teachers and others.
Hopefully you are now personally providing experiences for the young people that you involve with.
The key here is that these early childhood experiences are PROVIDED by other people when a child is too young to discern what there is to choose to learn about.
As we get older we gradually take the responsibility for our own experiences BUT the qualities of those self chosen experiences are much more worthwhile only if we realize the importance of "Cause and Effect" throughout our lives.
So if you want to choose the life you desire, (VIZ.
the effect), then you need to THINK about the cause required to get that effect.
The most important word here is "THINK".
The Cause and Effect experience is in your control and you will eventually realize the BE-DO-HAVE attitude of the top 3% of our human kind.
Not the Have-Do-Be that 97% of our population live by and struggle with all their lives.
Questions for you:-
  • So what do you want?
  • Can you define it?
  • Can you see it (visualize it)?
If you can define it, see it and visualize whatever you want as success for yourself, then you already know how.
So you need to pursue your dreams by paying attention, concentrating and THINKING.
If you are not following this procedure/approach, or are not sure how, then consider starting a self development program using selected books and articles that will teach you and encourage you to THINK.
I have a list of readings that I have used for over 40 years.
The material dates from the early 1700's to the present day.
Did this reading help me? I think it did.
Many times! You can judge that by visiting my Squidoo Site and, if you are inclined, send me an EM from that site to get a copy of the reading list.
For support in breaking the cubicle mentality, that is if you still have one, visit my Landing page and obtain the free report "CEO to SEO" at my Internet-Business-help site below.
(CEO is 'Chief Executive Officer' who is caught in the Corporate Management world managing someone else's business.
SEO is "Search Engine Optimization" for getting someone who is out of the corporate race and having a self determining life style using the Internet and Social Media Networks).
Thank you for reading this, I hope it helped.

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