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Top Secret eBay Tips Revealed!

It utterly makes the mind reel, when you fully grasp just how many categories and sub-categories you could potentially list items for sale. And this doesn't even factor in the time that flies by when you start actively perusing categories of curious fascination...

However, when you boil it all down, there are only two types of offerings for sale:

➢ Tangible [physical "stuff" or real-world, off-line services; such as a lamp, massage service, or automobile mechanic]

➢ Non-tangible [any service or goods that can be completely fulfilled via computer; such as e-books, mp3's, Web hosting, etc.]

The primary focus of this Special Folio is the latter of the two types of offerings. However, once you fully assimilate these Timeless Principles, you mind will be racing with non-tangible applications, as well. Enjoy!

Part I: Your A.C.E. in the Hole-


Regardless of what offerings you may consider posting on eBay, ambiance is everything. It is the difference between [possibly] getting your Buy Now, opening or minimum reserve bid, and witnessing a buying/bidding frenzy of hungry "sharks".

The atmosphere, condition and status of your auction descriptions and eBay storefront [sometimes not so] subtly reflect to me- the potential buyer- volumes about you, and more specifically- your offerings.

Call it Consumer Psychology 101, for lack of better words. From womb to tomb, Americans are born, bred, and raised on ravenous- borderline manic- consumerism; until whence we pass on to the The Next.

So, how does this apply to you- in terms of prosperity and abundance, via eBay?

As an eBay seller, you already have the formula for Outstanding Success programmed into you, from birth. No joke. You just need an expedient "refresher course" to unleash that which is already yours.

To illustrate the importance of ambiance, I will use both a tangible and non-tangible example:
➢ Tangible example- For many years, Farmer Gerry has been stashing back what he refers to as "Farm Artifacts", literally found sticking out of the ground. Most of which are ancient [by my reckoning]; dating back 50, 75, even a hundred years or more.

And I must tell you it is a truly mind-boggling collection of Humanity's majestic history of invention; out of necessity or pleasure!!!

Not to digress. A number of years ago, Farmer Gerry's wife needed to complete an art-related project for college.

In a long to short, she took a number of these Farm Artifacts and mounted them on an outside wall, in a highly intriguing manner that created a true synergy. The overall wall- as Life-sized art- became far greater than the sum of each individual piece.

It literally spoke a story of the days of Old...the Pioneer days. WOW!

Now- let me ask you; which way Farmer Gerry stands to make the most amount of money:

Merely giving each Farm Artifact from the wall a cursory description, and a photo or two; or revealing the full-blown history of the wall as a Work of Art, and highlighting each piece's history, if known?!?

If Farm Artifacts was your forte, which would you be most stimulated and motivated by [read "salivating"]???

The point, here, is that any time you are considering selling an item of greater value, it pays HUGE dividends to spend a little extra "research" time and create a background/history dossier for your item.

Educate your potential buyer in an invigorating and [if at all possible] entertaining way- you'll be far more apt to fetch Top Dollar for your offerings!

Most especially if it is rare, unique, non-mainstream, or so new/"bleeding edge" that the general public is not aware of it; it's background, benefits, nor it's applications.

➢ Non-tangible example- You've toiled long and hard on your first e-book. You've had it proofread by multiple individuals. You've carefully selected [or designed] the cover art. You are ready to share your Pride and Joy with the Global Web Community.
You could- like many folks that I've observed- just toss it up on eBay, as is, with a brief description and eagerly await flocks and hoards of sales.

And since eBay is over a hundred and sixty five million strong- the sheer numbers are in your favor- assuming a high-quality product at a fair price. Sure, you will make sales, and perhaps a lot of them. However, consider this:

Spend some quality time crafting your eBay About Me page and project yourself with enthusiasm- totally successful, if you haven't done so already.

Tell me about yourself, what inspired you to write your book, plans for future releases, favorite hobbies/pastimes, etc. This adds the unmistakable "human element" so desperately far and few in between on the Web these days!

Get some straight-from-the-heart reviews on your book. Like what you find on the back, or just inside of, a paperback. Give me an irresistible, fat list of sales bullets with some sizzling sales copy; maybe even tantalize me with a sneak-preview of a chapter or two...

That's Ambience out the way, then comes comes character.

Success is Yours!

Graham Pang

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