Health & Medical Mental Health

Why I Love Focusing and Can Never Give it Up

"You must be the change you want to see in the world.
" Mahatma Gandhi This quote invites us to be clear about our intentions in every interaction; within ourselves and with others.
It also points to any change starting within and with it being congruent with our unique life energy.
Each of us has a rhythm within our bodies that comes from our ancestry, birth and living experiences.
When we live unconsciously, &/or without self-acceptance, our rhythm gets out of balance, leaving us feeling lost, burdened, angry and/or overwhelmed.
But, finding our unique rhythm often seems like one of life's big mysteries.
The simple skill of Focusing resolves this mystery through connecting with our bodily felt experience.
As we learn to inhabit the flow of our felt experience, we begin to settle more deeply into re-aligning our mind-body-heart & spirit.
Our "feeling body" opens out into our "wisdom body" because embedded in every one of our experiences lies the seed of our own innate wisdom & intuitive intelligence.
This means every emotional issue, difficulty, or challenge actually holds a positive yearning and learning.
The skill and practice of Focusing has applications in all areas of our lives.
My passions are gentle, personal transformation through coaching and facilitation.
I love bringing the power of Focusing to decision-making and creative problem-solving (for individuals and groups), embracing those parts of our life we label negative (stress, pain, fear, stuckness), and enhancing other therapeutic, personal, self-help and managerial practices.
There is no place in my life where Focusing isn't.
I have gently transformed my anger and guilt patterns, I have brought a sense of congruent direction to my life and am finally making choices that align with my inner sense of rightness (not what I think I should do) and each day my life seems more rich, more joyful and more "me".
Emotional and physical challenges no longer hold the same terror or anxiety.
Change, both personally and in the world, seems possible as a creative and authentic unfolding rather than being externally driven and beyond my personal capacity.
And with this new kind of knowing and living I have come to value, embrace and celebrate difference, complexity, ambiguity and the human rights of myself and others to follow our dreams in whatever way we choose.
Essentially, when we connect deeply and authentically with ourselves we find it easier, even natural, to connect deeply and authentically with others.
This is the change I want to see in the world -deep, authentic, respectful connection.

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