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Age and Infertility - What Every Woman Should Know

It is not out of place to state that when one progresses in years, his body system ages along and as a result becomes very weak to perform some basic functions.
In marriage, many couples have been hit by the problem of infertility.
This results in the inability of the couples to achieve conception or bring about pregnancy after a certain period of regular interaction.
Although conceiving a child may seem very simple in the eyes of people and natural too, yet there are complex steps involved before pregnancy can occur, and they include: -Ovulation: A woman must release an egg from one of her ovaries once every 28 days, and the egg must go through the fallopian tube towards the uterus (womb).
-Fertilization: A man's sperm must join with the egg of the woman, already released and waiting for fertilization.
-Implantation: As fertilization takes place, the fertilized egg must attach itself to the inside of the uterus to get implanted.
No matter how simple getting pregnant may seem, the above steps MUST be followed even without notice or careful observation.
Any negative issue that affects any of the above will surely result in infertility; hence the most common cause is as a result of a problem with either ovulation, or blocked/damaged fallopian tube.
Also, as a major factor, age plays a key role in infertility.
The most rapid decline in infertility in any single year has been found to occur at the age of 35.
More and more women are waiting until their 30s and 40s to have children.
Actually, about 20 percent of women in the world today have their first child after the age of 30, and so, age is an increasing common cause of infertility problems.
Though age decreases a woman's chances of having a baby, reduces the ability of a woman's ovaries to release eggs ready for fertilization, reduces the health conditions of a woman's egg, makes her more likely to have health problems that can interfere with fertility, and increases her risk of having a miscarriage, yet it is not enough to believe that women under the age of 30 shouldn't worry about infertility, because other factors may be at work in them.
Every woman that is born into this world is faced with two factors that affect her body system.
They are: -Hormonal Disorder: This is the inability of the woman to ovulate or release egg from the ovary once in every 28 days.
The normal ovarian cycle is so complex that even a small deviation may disrupt the cycle and prevent ovulation.
-Anatomical Disorder: This has to do with disorder of the female sex organ mostly due to infection and inflammatory conditions, that is, its high vulnerability to pathogens (infection).
Diseases like gonorrhea, syphilis, etc when not properly or timely treated may cause infertility.
During the reproductive years, these diseases are not common because the uterus is protected from ascending infection by certain vaginal secretions and the cervical mucus.
However, during abortion, surgical procedures or intra-uterine contraceptive insertions, the uterus stands a high risk of infection.
There are other factors that can contribute to infertility in women which may include uterine scratches due to excessive curetting that results to wounds, and eventually scars that make implantation of the fetus difficult, inadequate cervical mucus, mucus hostility, drug, idiopathic, promiscuous and uncoordinated lifestyle, excessive use of drug/tobacco, smoking, caffeine consumption, alcohol, occupational exposure (radiation), being over/under weight, etc.
Your case may not be different from what has been described above.
May be you are married and you find it difficult to become pregnant.
Age may no longer be on your side and you are afraid of being unproductive when married.
Never mind, there is a solution to all these problems! There is hope for you.
I mean, you should start rejoicing because God has decided to help you out of these problems.
God, the creator of man and woman and everything that is in the world, is saying that your case is a very simple one.
As human beings, we know that the work of our hands may one day be destroyed, and so we provide spare to replace the worn-out parts.
God is greater than man, and so could not have made us without a way of helping us when we are in need.
He has made provision for a new life for us in JESUS CHRIST.
The only thing we have to do is to believe in Him as our Lord and Saviour, repent and confess our SINS to Him and we shall be accepted into His family.
In Psalm 92:13-15, the Lord declared that age is not a barrier to child-bearing for those who believe and trust in Him.
Will age hinder you from becoming a mother of children? Will age hinder you from achieving your heart's desire or becoming what you want to be in life? The choice is absolutely yours - either to remain as you were, or accept JESUS into your life and be recreated.
Time waits for no man.
This is your opportunity to act!

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