Technology Computer & Networking security

Data Safety - An Auditor"s Dream Come True

A private auditing firm has found a solution to the risk of losing precious corporate computer data.
Instead of classical backups on CDs and tapes, it has adopted a totally different approach.
This approach involves a software which backs up the firms critical files on two different locations.
The first copy of the backup is located and stored in a database found on one computer on the LAN.
While the second copy is found on another computer on the LAN, where the mirror copy of the files are created and stored.
The database holds all the different modified versions of the backed up files, allowing the user to retrieve anyone of those version, at any point in time.
For example if the user decided to retrieve a version of a particular file that was created two days ago, before the new modifications where made.
He can immediately fetch and retrieve it from the database.
The mirror copy contains only the newest modified version of the files.
When a computer on the Local Area Network (LAN) breaks down, the accountant using it has a simple immediate solution.
By connecting to the computer where the mirror is located, he will have direct access to the mirror copy containing all his data, and will be able to continue with his work without any delay.
This low cost high yield solution delivers even more power with the functionality of an HTTP server.
This means that the user can login to the database from any internet connection making his accounting data more accessible, thus increasing its availability.

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