Pets & Animal Domestic & Farm Animals

DIY Chicken Coops - Easy Tips You Can Use To Save Money

If you're planning to build your own DIY chicken coops, then you've made the right choice.
Honestly, there is nothing to it.
Most of the materials that are needed to construct the coop can actually be found around your house.
Everything that you need to build a chicken house is at your finger tips.
First of all, you will need to figure out how you're going to feed your precious chickens.
Start searching around your residence for things that you will need later on.
A cheap and effective item would be a plain and empty soda bottle.
Although any soda bottle would suffice, it is preferable to get a two liter bottle.
The bottle will serve as a food dispenser for the chickens later on.
I recommend using a plastic container to hold the hood.
You should also keep the container elevated to prevent the chickens from messing around with the food.
Be sure not to put the feeder and water dispenser next to each other.
Generally, the same concept applies to water, which is gravity, that flows through the soda bottle.
However, if you're not careful, the chickens will eventually find a way to get the water into the food container.
If the possibility of this happening to you seems surreal, then I assume that you never had any experience raising chickens yet.
Next, your chickens need a space to rest and lay their eggs.
You can choose to build the roosts yourself.
Be sure to include plenty of space for your chickens to move around.
Each roof should be measured at an estimate of a foot and a half wide or fifteen inches.
The roof should be built longer than it is tall to suit the proper movements of the chickens.
Your chickens to need to be comfortable and stress-free.
Remember to place a ledge at the corner of your roosts so that your chickens can freely hop in and out whenever they feel like it.
The ledges are not a necessity but if you do decide to implement them, you will want to make sure that the roosts is on even ground.
Your chicken coop will need to have its own heat lamp, placed closely neat the ceiling.
You wouldn't want your chickens to randomly fly into the lamp and break it or worse, hurt themselves.
Imagine the hassle of having to clean up those tiny broken glass piece on the floor because you need to sure that your chickens do not try to eat the glass.
For us, the chicken coop is merely a building, however, the chickens that reside in it call it home.
It should be constructed with your chicken's comfort in mind.
More important, you need to make sure that your chickens have access to their basic needs of food, water and shelter at all times.
Your chicken coop should have a fixed exit so that your chickens can go out if they need to.

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