Home & Garden Home Improvement

Are You Aware of Ceiling Fan Control Options?

Obviously, when you install a ceiling fan you realize that you are going to be saving both energy and money.
You also realize that there is a good possibility that you might want to add some type of fan lights, if none are included.
However, you may be completely unaware of your available options when it comes to the fan controls.
At one time you only had to flip a switch or pull a string and the fan would turn on and rotate, which was a very simple process.
Today, you have other choices when it comes to operating your fan.
Just as it is with lighting and light kits, convenient ceiling fan controls enhance the overall experience of owning a fan.
Fans with convenient controls offer many more options to the consumer, which increases the likelihood that they will purchase the fan and return to the same manufacturer if they need more fans in the future.
Virtually all fans that are sold to residential consumers include some type of fan controls, even if it is just a pull chain.
And when it is a pull chain it operates on a sequential switch (usually 1-2-3) low, medium and high.
Fans that have ceiling fan light kits require two types of control, one for the fan and one for the light.
If the light came with the fan it will usually include 2 pull chains, whereas a light kit should include a separate chain.
Pull chains are not the only type of control available for your ceiling fan, although they are the most common.
When you install a ceiling fan you may have the option of "quiet control" which operates the fan at either three or four speeds.
Whereas normally the speed could be adjusted to any speed within the motors RPM range but they are not as quiet.
There are also ceiling fans with remote control options.
Wall controls are another option for operating your fan, which is wall mounted at a convenient location in the room.
The fan can be turned on and off, and the speed can be adjusted from this location.
However, if you want fan controls and the ceiling fan lights to be operated independently from each other, then you can have two separate wires, one for the fan and one for the light, which will run to the wall control.
Keep in mind that if you will be operating more than one fan you will need a control of at least 5 amps.

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