Three Types of Natural Remedies For Hemorrhoids
Many people who suffer from hemorrhoids spend a lot of time looking for relief.
They spend a lot of money on creams, and may even go to the doctor for surgery.
However, there are natural remedies for hemorrhoids.
These have few if any side effects and can be very effective in treating the problem.
They do not cause scarring, bleeding, or pain.
They are also extremely easy to find as well as cheaper than most medical remedies.
Therefore, they should be considered first when searching for relief from hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids can be caused by pressure.
Therefore, it is important to avoid sitting for long periods of time.
Make sure to get up at regular intervals and walk around.
Obesity can also be a factor in developing hemorrhoids.
A person should get plenty of exercise to prevent this problem from developing.
Another cause is straining during a bowel movement.
As a result, fruits and vegetables are one of the most effective natural remedies for hemorrhoids, as is drinking plenty of water.
These things keep the stool soft and easy to pass, which can go a long way in keeping hemorrhoids from developing.
There are many natural poultices that can be very helpful in treating hemorrhoids.
Examples include a cranberry poultice, baking soda, onions and honey, and onions and garlic.
Garlic and onions can also be used as a suppository.
However, this should not be done when the hemorrhoids are bleeding.
Liquids such as witch hazel and lecithin applied directly to the affected area can also be very successful natural remedies for hemorrhoids, as can creams such as aloe vera and salves of bayberry, goldenseal, myrrh, or white oak.
Another thing a person can try is essential oils such as lavender and geranium.
A few drops of these mixed with almond oil can be placed right on the skin if the hemorrhoids are not bleeding.
There are also things that a person can take internally to treat their hemorrhoids.
A lemon juice drink can provide you with bioflavonoids and vitamin C to help your body heal.
Buck thorn bark, collinsonia root, parsley, red grape vines leaves or stone root can be taken either as a capsule or a tea.
Olive oil can also be taken internally and works very well as a stool softener.
Ice packs can also be great natural remedies for hemorrhoids.
A person can use either a commercial ice pack or make their own.
They should put it on for 15 to 20 minutes, rest for 15 to 20 minutes and then repeat.
This is a very quick and simple method of obtaining relief.
They spend a lot of money on creams, and may even go to the doctor for surgery.
However, there are natural remedies for hemorrhoids.
These have few if any side effects and can be very effective in treating the problem.
They do not cause scarring, bleeding, or pain.
They are also extremely easy to find as well as cheaper than most medical remedies.
Therefore, they should be considered first when searching for relief from hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids can be caused by pressure.
Therefore, it is important to avoid sitting for long periods of time.
Make sure to get up at regular intervals and walk around.
Obesity can also be a factor in developing hemorrhoids.
A person should get plenty of exercise to prevent this problem from developing.
Another cause is straining during a bowel movement.
As a result, fruits and vegetables are one of the most effective natural remedies for hemorrhoids, as is drinking plenty of water.
These things keep the stool soft and easy to pass, which can go a long way in keeping hemorrhoids from developing.
There are many natural poultices that can be very helpful in treating hemorrhoids.
Examples include a cranberry poultice, baking soda, onions and honey, and onions and garlic.
Garlic and onions can also be used as a suppository.
However, this should not be done when the hemorrhoids are bleeding.
Liquids such as witch hazel and lecithin applied directly to the affected area can also be very successful natural remedies for hemorrhoids, as can creams such as aloe vera and salves of bayberry, goldenseal, myrrh, or white oak.
Another thing a person can try is essential oils such as lavender and geranium.
A few drops of these mixed with almond oil can be placed right on the skin if the hemorrhoids are not bleeding.
There are also things that a person can take internally to treat their hemorrhoids.
A lemon juice drink can provide you with bioflavonoids and vitamin C to help your body heal.
Buck thorn bark, collinsonia root, parsley, red grape vines leaves or stone root can be taken either as a capsule or a tea.
Olive oil can also be taken internally and works very well as a stool softener.
Ice packs can also be great natural remedies for hemorrhoids.
A person can use either a commercial ice pack or make their own.
They should put it on for 15 to 20 minutes, rest for 15 to 20 minutes and then repeat.
This is a very quick and simple method of obtaining relief.