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Meet with Miniature Painting Artists When You Visit Isfahan

Miniature painting artists will impress you when you visit Iran. A lot of emphasis is given to the rich details of each part of the painting. Persian miniature, in particular, gives an outstanding representation of mythological and religious themes. The art form flourished in Persia or Iran from the 13th to the 16th century.

Even today, many contemporary artists indulge in doing this kind of painting. The visual opulence of these paintings is great, with emphasis being given to fine details which are done by using a very fine brush and a very experienced hand. Although these paintings are small in size as the name implies, yet you will have to gaze at them for hours to be able to study the infinite level of detailing in every inch of the painting.

How the Paintings Look Like

Usually, Persian Miniature involves vivid colors which are dominated by shades of silver and gold. Layers are skillfully employed in this form of painting to give the works three-dimensional effect. You can see some elements in the background, overlapped by others in the foreground.

Persians have developed a distinct style, which has also found prominence in many neighboring places. You can see many natural and realistic motifs in the paintings, which are very original. Similar concepts can be found in the Mughal miniature in India and Ottoman miniature in Turkey. Chinese influence can be felt in some of the miniature paintings in Iran.

See Most of the Art Work in Isfahan

Persian Miniature can be seen in all its greatness when you visit Isfahan. The Isfahan school of paintings became very popular in the 17th century with Shah Abbas I of the Safavid dynasty on the throne. The most famous of the exponents of this art form was Reza Abbasi. You can notice a lot of influence of Sadiqi Beg of the Qazvin school of portraiture in Reza Abbasi's work.

Although illustrative themes have been the favorite of Persian Miniature throughout history, yet Reza Abbasi loved to base his work on naturalistic subjects. The most well known of his paintings is titled "Two Lovers" which is a great work of the Isfahan school. You can see the masterpieces of some famous miniature painting artists in their galleries as well as museums when you visit Isfahan.

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