Business & Finance Taxes

How to Get a Duplicate of a Social Security 1099 Form

    • 1). Check your address listed with the Social Security Administration. If you receive your benefits through direct deposit, your address may be incorrect. You can check your address online, but you will need a password and the answers to the questions must match the Social Security records. Call the Social Security Administration or visit your local office to check the address listed for you.

    • 2). Change your address with the Social Security Administration if needed. Correct your address before you request a new SSA-1099 form. The Social Security Administration sends notices and correspondence about your benefits by mail, and will send a duplicate Form SSA-1099 by mail as well.

    • 3). Contact the Social Security Administration online, by telephone or by visiting your local office. If you want a replacement Form SSA-1099 for a year other than the previous one, you must telephone the Social Security Administration at 800-772-1213 -- or request last-year's SSA 1099 online (see Resources).

    • 4). Wait about 10 days for your duplicate Form SSA-1099 to arrive in the mail.

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