Why Do Some People Make Foolish Choices? (Part 4 of 4)
So how do we stop making foolish choices? When we realize being a slave to sin is not what we really want for our life.
When we finally figure out that fleeting sinful pleasures and chasing after money is not where happiness lies.
To make wise choices means you must rely on Gods presence in your daily life.
In other words you must allow the word of God to develop in you and put His guidance into action.
This is how a Christian allows Gods wisdom to decide the moral and ethical decisions for them.
God doesn't want you to only listen to the word while sitting down in Church.
He wants you to be The Word! He wants you to apply The Word into your life.
An example of this is in when you become tempted into a situation you know is not right for you.
God tells you to run away from temptation.
What are you going to do? Will you let the word of God enhance and shape your life, or are you going to turn away from God's wisdom and do what you want? Another example would be having faith enough to give your issues and problems over to prayer and letting the Holy Spirit within you to help shape your decisions.
Are you making wise choices for your life? Ask yourself these questions next time you are up against tough choices and decisions that affect your life.
Are Your Choices Wise? * Does this choice help me witness for Christ? * Am I motivated by this choice for myself or to help others * Does it help me to do my best? * Is it against a specific command in scripture? * Is it the best and most beneficial choice of action? * Am I acting lovingly or selfishly? * Does this choice glorify God or me? * Will this choice cause someone else to sin? Relationship with the Lord Having a personal relationship with the Lord will be the most important element of your Christian walk.
You absolutely must have a relationship with the Christ if you confess to be a Christian.
Are you one of the many people who are afraid to get close to God or have a meaningful relationship with Him? When and if you commit habitual sin in you life do you feel guilty about it later? God has equipped you with a conscience for this very reason.
A guilty conscience is a warning signal that goes off in your mind letting you know that you have done wrong.
The problem is many people try to eradicate those guilty feelings without eradicating the cause of it.
But this is like taking painkillers instead of treating the disease.
God wants us to go to the root of why we sin so we can eliminate it from our lives for good.
We ought to be thankful to God that most of us can discern foolishness and folly and be aware of right and wrong, so we can finally ask for God's forgiveness and correct the wrong doing in our life.
But what happens when we do not have a relationship with God? I believe that without a relationship with God, we'll become even more foolish and do even more stupid things.
By not having a connection with the living God perhaps we think we can hide from HIM when we fail Him.
But since God is omnipotent it doesn't quite work like that.
We can never hide ourselves from God.
Some of us are afraid to show ourselves to God because we think we are not worthy of His love.
But we are-you are! Know that you were made special and are a very special and unique person in the eyes of God.
You know why? He created you and knew you even before you were a twinkle in your mothers eye.
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart, says the Lord.
(Jeremiah 1:5) God's Son, Jesus Christ opens the way for you to have a special relationship with Him.
But perhaps your natural responses to getting to know Jesus are fear because you feel that you cannot live up to God's standards of living.
But this is what's so magnificent about God's unconditional love for you; He "really" does love you regardless of what you have done.
You can show God how much you "really" love Him by getting to know Him better.
You decide what kind of relationship you will have.
You relationship will be as powerful as your willingness to give up whatever is holding you back now.
It doesn't matter what is keeping you apart from God now, but know that as long as you repent and give that life up, you will be safe under the wings of God your Father forever.
You Our Gods Workmanship Remember that you are a work in progress and God is shaping and molding you for His purpose.
As a Christian you are forever changing and growing with Him, and hopefully that change is developing your character and helping you to persevere and be more faithful in serving Him and serving others.
Yes, you can stop making foolish lifestyle choices-because you can choose to accept God's truth, knowledge and wisdom for your life today! "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do".
(Ephesians 2:10)
When we finally figure out that fleeting sinful pleasures and chasing after money is not where happiness lies.
To make wise choices means you must rely on Gods presence in your daily life.
In other words you must allow the word of God to develop in you and put His guidance into action.
This is how a Christian allows Gods wisdom to decide the moral and ethical decisions for them.
God doesn't want you to only listen to the word while sitting down in Church.
He wants you to be The Word! He wants you to apply The Word into your life.
An example of this is in when you become tempted into a situation you know is not right for you.
God tells you to run away from temptation.
What are you going to do? Will you let the word of God enhance and shape your life, or are you going to turn away from God's wisdom and do what you want? Another example would be having faith enough to give your issues and problems over to prayer and letting the Holy Spirit within you to help shape your decisions.
Are you making wise choices for your life? Ask yourself these questions next time you are up against tough choices and decisions that affect your life.
Are Your Choices Wise? * Does this choice help me witness for Christ? * Am I motivated by this choice for myself or to help others * Does it help me to do my best? * Is it against a specific command in scripture? * Is it the best and most beneficial choice of action? * Am I acting lovingly or selfishly? * Does this choice glorify God or me? * Will this choice cause someone else to sin? Relationship with the Lord Having a personal relationship with the Lord will be the most important element of your Christian walk.
You absolutely must have a relationship with the Christ if you confess to be a Christian.
Are you one of the many people who are afraid to get close to God or have a meaningful relationship with Him? When and if you commit habitual sin in you life do you feel guilty about it later? God has equipped you with a conscience for this very reason.
A guilty conscience is a warning signal that goes off in your mind letting you know that you have done wrong.
The problem is many people try to eradicate those guilty feelings without eradicating the cause of it.
But this is like taking painkillers instead of treating the disease.
God wants us to go to the root of why we sin so we can eliminate it from our lives for good.
We ought to be thankful to God that most of us can discern foolishness and folly and be aware of right and wrong, so we can finally ask for God's forgiveness and correct the wrong doing in our life.
But what happens when we do not have a relationship with God? I believe that without a relationship with God, we'll become even more foolish and do even more stupid things.
By not having a connection with the living God perhaps we think we can hide from HIM when we fail Him.
But since God is omnipotent it doesn't quite work like that.
We can never hide ourselves from God.
Some of us are afraid to show ourselves to God because we think we are not worthy of His love.
But we are-you are! Know that you were made special and are a very special and unique person in the eyes of God.
You know why? He created you and knew you even before you were a twinkle in your mothers eye.
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart, says the Lord.
(Jeremiah 1:5) God's Son, Jesus Christ opens the way for you to have a special relationship with Him.
But perhaps your natural responses to getting to know Jesus are fear because you feel that you cannot live up to God's standards of living.
But this is what's so magnificent about God's unconditional love for you; He "really" does love you regardless of what you have done.
You can show God how much you "really" love Him by getting to know Him better.
You decide what kind of relationship you will have.
You relationship will be as powerful as your willingness to give up whatever is holding you back now.
It doesn't matter what is keeping you apart from God now, but know that as long as you repent and give that life up, you will be safe under the wings of God your Father forever.
You Our Gods Workmanship Remember that you are a work in progress and God is shaping and molding you for His purpose.
As a Christian you are forever changing and growing with Him, and hopefully that change is developing your character and helping you to persevere and be more faithful in serving Him and serving others.
Yes, you can stop making foolish lifestyle choices-because you can choose to accept God's truth, knowledge and wisdom for your life today! "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do".
(Ephesians 2:10)