Law & Legal & Attorney Family Law

Relationship Advice - Leaving an Abusive Relationship Safely

Living in an abusive situation can be physically and emotionally draining.
Deciding to leave your relationship is a big step and you must keep your wits about you to exit safely.
When children are involved, leaving can be even more complicated.
Getting help from friends, family or a crisis helpline can make leaving a lot easier.
Every situation is different.
Some people have to leave suddenly due to dangerous situations that have arisen.
Others may be able to take the time to plan for a safe exit.
Consider the following, when planning to leave an abusive relationship...
Assess your situation.
How dangerous is your partner? If you are in a potentially dangerous situation, try to leave when your partner is not at home.
Find a safe place you can go to.
Call a crisis hotline for a referral to a safe shelter if you do not have a safe place to go.
Get proof of the abuse if possible so that you can later use them in court if needed.
This is especially important when children are involved.
Witnesses to the abuse, police reports and medical records are good sources of proof to use in court.
If possible, gather up any important belongings before you leave, such as identification, birth certificates, money and sentimental items.
Maybe there is a safe place in your home or vehicle where you can hide these items without your partner noticing.
If you have children, report your situation to the police department.
This way you cannot be accused of kidnapping and the police can help protect you and your children.
Leaving a partner, even an abusive one, can be an emotional roller-coaster.
It is normal to experience feelings of guilt and insecurity, and to still feel love for the person.
However, it is important to remember the abuse is not your fault.
Be proud of yourself for making the courageous move to escape abuse.
Seek counseling and support from trusted family and friends to help you sort out your feelings and to get mentally and emotionally healthy.
Your safety is the most important thing when it comes to leaving an abusive situation.
Know that you do not deserve to be mistreated no matter how many faults you may have.
You deserve to be respected physically, mentally and emotionally.
If someone is mistreating you, then you have to seek the help you need.

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